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Dokka: include code samples into package documentation

How do I include (tested, non-stale) code samples into Dokka package documentation?

More specifically, assuming that I have this configuration in my build.gradle.kts:

withType<DokkaTask> {
    outputFormat = "html"
    outputDirectory = "$buildDir/documentation"
    includes = listOf("packageDocumentation.md")
    samples = listOf("$rootDir/src/test/kotlin/some/project/TheSamples.kt")

And then some test code:

package some.project
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test

class TheSamples {
    fun helloWorldSample() {
        println("hello, world")

and also a package documentation Markdown file:

# Package some.project

This is the documentation for some package.

@sample some.project.TheSamples#helloWorldSample

, how do I include the println(...)-part into the documentation? Is it supported at all in the current version of Dokka?

Exchanging # for . or replacing @sample by @includeFunction didn't do anything.


  • Here is a related question, left unanswered for almost two years.
  • Here is some discussion from 2012, which by now consists almost entirely of dead links.
like image 650
Andrey Tyukin Avatar asked Oct 07 '19 18:10

Andrey Tyukin

2 Answers

The @sample tag is placed in the comment of the function or class you want to document with a sample of how to call it, or use it.

@sample takes a fully qualified class and function name as an argument. When generating API docs with Dokka that reference is replaced with the content of the referenced function. Typically you'd have a function that you'd like to document with a sample of the test function, but here, your test function isn't calling anything to test, so this example may appear trivial, but this is the form:

 * This is a function that I want to document with a sample.
 * @sample some.project.TheSamples.helloWorldSample
fun getHelloWorld() {
  // Do stuff

When dokka processes the files, the sample code is appended onto the information in the comment. Below is a rough approximation of dokka's HTML output.


fun getHelloWorld()

This is a function that I want to document with a sample.

println("hello, world")

I found the following references helpful:



like image 191
RichR Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 11:09


I didn't understand the accepted answer, so I had to ask in the Kotlinlang Slack to try and figure it out. I got a response from Pablo García (Casía) that helped me understand, so maybe this will help someone too.

You need to add samples dir (or a list of files) to dokka task config

tasks.dokkaHtml.configure {
    dokkaSourceSets {
        configureEach {

Then add a sample to that dir, for example:

package samples

import demo.App

class GreeterExample {
    fun greeting() {

And use it in your code doc:

package demo

class App {
     * Greeting
     * @sample samples.GreeterExample.greeting
     * @return Will return the string `Hello World!`
    fun greeting(): String = "Hello World!"

After you generate the dokka output with ./gradlew dokkaHtml you will see


in dokka sample output

example generated dokka page for App.greeter with a sample loaded from GreeterExample

like image 21
Justin Gilman Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 11:09

Justin Gilman