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Does xlwings require an excel install

Does xlwings require an install of excel?

We are hoping to use it, with an anaconda install, on a windows server, with no EXCEL, to inject some data to a workbook and pass the workbook back to the user.

like image 767
Dickster Avatar asked Jun 10 '15 21:06


1 Answers

xlwings is indeed made for interacting with a running instance of Excel and therefore does not run on Linux.

You will want to have a look into the pandas to_excel method or you may even want to use one of the underlying libraries directly that this method uses (XlsxWriter, openpyxl and xlwt).

In short, with pandas you can do:

df.to_excel('output.xlsx', 'Sheet1')
like image 187
Felix Zumstein Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 04:10

Felix Zumstein