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Does using REFERENCES without FOREIGN KEY still create a foreign key?




I have done some SQL before but not loads. I am a bit confused about what REFERENCES does if you use it without FOREIGN KEY when creating your table e.g.

author_id INTEGER REFERENCES users(id),

As opposed to...

FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users(id)

If these are different what is the difference? And if they are the same which form should be preferred?

like image 965
Roger Heathcote Avatar asked Jan 01 '23 04:01

Roger Heathcote

2 Answers

The first one:

author_id INTEGER REFERENCES users,

...is a shorthand of:

author_id INTEGER REFERENCES users (id),

...that is a shorthand of:

FOREIGN KEY (author_id) REFERENCES users (id)

...that in turn is a shorthand of the SQL standard:

CONSTRAINT <constraint-name> 
FOREIGN KEY (<column>) 
REFERENCES <table>(<columns>)

The first one covers the basic, most common case, and is succint. Good.

Now, the full syntax covers the general case with all possible variations. Consider for example:

  • Composite foreign keys:

    book_id int not null,
    chapter_id int not null,
    constraint fk1 foreign key (book_id, chapter_id) 
      references chapter (book_id, chapter_id)

    Since it's a composite key, it cannot be specified at the column level, but at the table level.

  • Forking foreign keys:

    owner_id int not null,
    constraint fk2 foreign key (owner_id) references person (id),
    constraint fk3 foreign key (owner_id) references company (id)

    In this case the same column points to multiple tables. Imagine this one combined with composite foreign keys...

In general, you'll see composite keys once in a while, and forking foreign keys very rarely. Most of the time you'll see simple foreign keys, and that's why the shorthand syntax is so useful.

like image 137
The Impaler Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 00:01

The Impaler

If you use only REFERENCES PostgreSQL creates a foreign key:

postgres=# create table parent(id int primary key);

postgres=# create table child(id int primary key, fk int references parent);

postgres=# \d child;
               Table "public.child"
 Column |  Type   | Collation | Nullable | Default 
 id     | integer |           | not null | 
 fk     | integer |           |          | 
    "child_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)
Foreign-key constraints:
    "child_fk_fkey" FOREIGN KEY (fk) REFERENCES parent(id)


From syntax point of view REFERENCES is used at column level whereas FOREIGN KEY is used at table level.

See What is difference between foreign key and reference key?

like image 43
pifor Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 02:01
