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Does this OpenCV code run on the GPU or the CPU?




I need to do image processing on the GPU for a class requirement. Does this OpenCV code run on the GPU or CPU?

// The "Square Detector" program.
// It loads several images sequentially and tries to find squares in
// each image
    #include "opencv2/core/core.hpp"
    #include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
    #include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
    #include <iostream>
    #include <math.h>
    #include <string.h>
    using namespace cv;
    using namespace std;
    int thresh = 50, N = 11;
    const char* wndname = "Square Detection Demo";
    static void findSquares( const Mat& image, vector<vector<Point> >& squares )
        Mat pyr, timg, gray0(image.size(), CV_8U), gray;
        pyrDown(image, pyr, Size(image.cols/2, image.rows/2));
        pyrUp(pyr, timg, image.size());
        vector<vector<Point> > contours;
        // find squares in every color plane of the image
        for( int c = 0; c < 3; c++ )
            int ch[] = {c, 0};
            mixChannels(&timg, 1, &gray0, 1, ch, 1);
            for( int l = 0; l < N; l++ )
                if( l == 0 )
                    Canny(gray0, gray, 0, thresh, 5);
                    dilate(gray, gray, Mat(), Point(-1,-1));
                    gray = gray0 >= (l+1)*255/N;
                findContours(gray, contours, RETR_LIST, CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);
                vector<Point> approx;
               for( size_t i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ )
                    approxPolyDP(Mat(contours[i]), approx, arcLength(Mat(contours[i]), true)*0.02, true);
                    if( approx.size() == 4 &&
                       fabs(contourArea(Mat(approx))) > 1000 &&
                       isContourConvex(Mat(approx)) )
                        double maxCosine = 0;
                        for( int j = 2; j < 5; j++ )
                            // find the maximum cosine of the angle between joint edges
                            double cosine = fabs(angle(approx[j%4], approx[j-2], approx[j-1]));
                            maxCosine = MAX(maxCosine, cosine);
                        // if cosines of all angles are small
                        // (all angles are ~90 degree) then write quandrange
                        // vertices to resultant sequence
                        if( maxCosine < 0.3 )
like image 587
s123 Avatar asked Apr 10 '15 17:04


People also ask

Does OpenCV use the GPU?

OpenCV includes GPU module that contains all GPU accelerated stuff. Supported by NVIDIA the work on the module, started in 2010 prior to the first release in Spring of 2011.

Does OpenCV run on CPU or GPU?

OpenCV library can be used for both CPU and GPU. In my last post, I have shared how to install OpenCV GPU for windows. In this post, I will show you how you can use OpenCV with GPU to optimize your real-time video processing project up to 1000 times faster with just 2 lines of code.

Does OpenCV use OpenCL?

Acceleration of OpenCV with OpenCL started 2011 by AMD. As the result the OpenCV-2.4. 3 release included the new ocl module containing OpenCL implementations of some existing OpenCV algorithms.

1 Answers

As @Micka said, in OpenCV 2.4 GPU optimizations are explicit. You need to use API from cv::gpu:: (CUDA implementation) or from cv::ocl:: (OpenCL implementation) instead of plain API from cv::.

In OpenCV 3.0 new transparent API optimization were added (implemented on OpenCL). To enable them, you need to use cv::UMat contained instead of cv::Mat and use the same API from cv:: namespace. The library will automatically use GPU optimizations if available.

like image 186
jet47 Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11
