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Does the vue.js component require a name option?



If I don't set the name in the component, can it cause any problems?
Even if I don't set it, I can use it.

      <div> some component</div>
    export default {
        name: "SomeComponent" // is this essential?
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HWoo_K Avatar asked Jul 17 '20 16:07


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1 Answers

When registering a component, its ID is required, but Name is not.

As Vue's Component Documentation says:

Registration also automatically sets the component’s name with the given id.

So it would be fine to leave component.name blank when declaring only one component. But, it is always better practice to give names to your components, especially in a large application. Vue's Component Documentation explains this at a greater length:

Allow the component to recursively invoke itself in its template. Note that when a component is registered globally with Vue.component(), the global ID is automatically set as its name.

Another benefit of specifying a name option is debugging. Named components result in more helpful warning messages. Also, when inspecting an app in the vue-devtools, unnamed components will show up as <AnonymousComponent>, which isn’t very informative. By providing the name option, you will get a much more informative component tree.

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Sphinx Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 23:10
