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Does the spiders indexing your website (google bot...) have a "culture"?

This is a SEO question :

i've the choice to display a page's title according to the culture of the visitor.

If it's an english :

  <?php if ($sf_user->getCulture() == 'en') : ?>
     Hello, this is an english website
  <?php else ?>
     Bonjour, ceci est un site français
  <?php endif ?>

Does the bots/spiders has a culture ?

Does that means that on Google uk my website page will be : "Hello, this is...." and on Google france this will be "Bonjour...."

Thank you

EDIT: Anyone visiting my website will see it in English, except for France, Belgium, and maybe Canada. It can be done because getCulture() returns browser accepted & preferred languages

EDIT2: When a user opens my website (based on HTTP_ACCEPT_LANGUAGE) :

<?php $culture = $request->getPreferredCulture(array('en', 'fr')); 
    $this->getUser()->isFirstRequest(false); ?>
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sf_tristanb Avatar asked Feb 26 '23 13:02


1 Answers

Please see working with multi-regional websites from the Official Google Webmaster blog. The best way to handle multiple languages is not to dynamically return different languages, but rather to have distinct domains or distinct URLs for each language. If you want to give visitors a single landing page, consider having that page redirect to the language-specific page. Also, to maximize crawling, consider having links that easily allow a user to switch to different language version of the same page.

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Michael Aaron Safyan Avatar answered Apr 16 '23 20:04

Michael Aaron Safyan