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Does Swift have an implicit Object Initializer, like in C#?



In C#, we have Object Initializers, like so:

    Person obj = new Person
        FirstName = "Craig",
        LastName = "Playstead",

Does Swift have this?

As an example, I have this code:

var config = IndicatesConfig()
config.name = NSLocalizedString(Localizable.FOLDERS, comment: "").uppercaseString
config.style = .DetailHeader
return config

But would like to do something along the lines of:

var config = IndicatesConfig() {
    name = NSLocalizedString(Localizable.FOLDERS, comment: "").uppercaseString
    style = .DetailHeader

Thank you!


I'm not referencing to the explicit definition of class initialisers. Please bear in mind the syntax shown in the C# example.

like image 740
nmdias Avatar asked Nov 19 '14 14:11


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2 Answers

Not as such. If you create a custom struct, Swift will, under certain conditions, create a default memberwise initializer that is close to what you're looking for. But otherwise, I don't think there's even a way to implement such a feature, since Swift lacks anything like a with keyword that would get you into the new instance's scope.

Update: this is as close as I can get, by defining a custom operator:

infix operator <| { }

func <|<T>(decl: @autoclosure () -> T, f: T -> () ) -> T {
    let obj = decl()
    return obj

let label = UILabel() <| {
    $0.frame = CGRect(x: 10, y: 10, width: 300, height: 25)
    $0.text = "Hello"
    $0.enabled = false

// <UILabel: 0x7fb46240b210; frame = (10 10; 300 25); text = 'Hello'; userInteractionEnabled = NO; layer = <_UILabelLayer: 0x7fb46240c2b0>>
like image 156
Nate Cook Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Nate Cook

Swift doesn't have such feature.

You can implement similar interface using closure, but...

class MyClass {
    var name = ""
    var style = 0
    init(initializer:((MyClass)->Void)? = nil) {

let a = MyClass2() {
    $0.name = "foo"
    $0.style = 2

There is no implicit self here, instead, you have to use implicit closure parameter $0.

like image 27
rintaro Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 12:09
