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Does StateHasChanged re-render all the component or only the differences?




I am learning Blazor Component and I am wondering about StateHasChanged force the component to re-render all itself or only the differences. The intellisense report that

Notifies the component that its state has changed. When applicable, this will cause the component to be re-rendered.

What it means with "this will cause the component to be re-rendered"?

like image 363
Leonardo Lurci Avatar asked Dec 17 '22 14:12

Leonardo Lurci

1 Answers

StateHasChanged will cause only the differences to be re-rendered.

To prove that, I've created the following Blazor component that has 2 buttons:

  • first button generates a list of 10 000 <li> elements, numbered 0 .. 9999
  • second button modifies the value of the first <li> and calls StateHasChanged()

Here is the complete code:

@page "/BigDataStateHasChanged"


<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="GenerateBigData">Generate big data</button>
<button class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="ChangeOneRow">Change 1 row</button>

@if(list != null)
    @foreach(var item in list)

@code {
    List<int> list;
    const int cMaxNumbers = 10000;

    protected void GenerateBigData()
        list = new List<int>(cMaxNumbers);
        for(int i = 0; i < cMaxNumbers; i++)

    protected void ChangeOneRow()
        list[0] = 123456;

I then used the Chrome's development tools to monitor the websockets. On the Network tab, when clicking on the first button, I can see that 1.4 MB was transferred via the websockets to the client:

enter image description here

Then, after clicking the second button that only changes the first element, I can see that only 153 bytes have been transferred:

enter image description here

So, from this, the conclusion is that only the "diff" gets rendered.

like image 93
rk72 Avatar answered Dec 24 '22 02:12
