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Does SqlCommand.Clone() create a deep copy or shallow copy?

Does SqlCommand.Clone() create a deep copy or shallow copy? Also, is it safe to call Clone() from multiple threads concurrently (create one command that multiple threads can copy, set parameter values, and execute)?

like image 508
yzorg Avatar asked Jul 26 '11 04:07


1 Answers

It is not safe to call Clone from multiple threads because the SqlCommand class itself is not a thread safe class. you should lock before cloning..

However you can look at the SqlCommand.Clone() method using programs like Reflector, here is the actual code:

public SqlCommand Clone()
    SqlCommand command = new SqlCommand(this);
    Bid.Trace("<sc.SqlCommand.Clone|API> %d#, clone=%d#\n", this.ObjectID, command.ObjectID);
    return command;

internal static void Trace(string fmtPrintfW, int a1, int a2)
    if (((modFlags & ApiGroup.Trace) != ApiGroup.Off) && (modID != NoData))
        NativeMethods.Trace(modID, UIntPtr.Zero, UIntPtr.Zero, fmtPrintfW, a1, a2);

[DllImport("System.Data.dll", EntryPoint="DllBidTraceCW", CallingConvention=CallingConvention.Cdecl, CharSet=CharSet.Unicode)]
internal static extern void Trace(IntPtr hID, UIntPtr src, UIntPtr info, string fmtPrintfW, int a1, int a2);

private SqlCommand(SqlCommand from) : this()
    this.CommandText = from.CommandText;
    this.CommandTimeout = from.CommandTimeout;
    this.CommandType = from.CommandType;
    this.Connection = from.Connection;
    this.DesignTimeVisible = from.DesignTimeVisible;
    this.Transaction = from.Transaction;
    this.UpdatedRowSource = from.UpdatedRowSource;
    SqlParameterCollection parameters = this.Parameters;
    foreach (object obj2 in from.Parameters)
        parameters.Add((obj2 is ICloneable) ? (obj2 as ICloneable).Clone() : obj2);

You can see that it create a new instance and add to it all properties of the old one, but it does not deep copy all properties "like Connection for instance" and so it a shallow copy.

like image 61
Jalal Said Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 15:09

Jalal Said