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Does SpecFlow testing platform support async Tasks?

Async/Await support for Specflow Steps => I would like to use SpecFlow with the Async Await Features of C#, windows phone 8, SpecFlow with MSTest can execute Code using async / await but doesn't wait for the Results.

I've changed BindingInvoker.cs and upgraded to .NET 4, in order to support async tasks, and receiving now IOC is not initialized errors.


like image 807
Tootim Avatar asked Feb 16 '14 08:02


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1 Answers

Yes. SpecFlow does support async steps
See https://docs.specflow.org/projects/specflow/en/latest/Bindings/Asynchronous-Bindings.html
For example:

[When(@"I want to get the web page '(.*)'")]
public async Task WhenIWantToGetTheWebPage(string url)
    await _webDriver.HttpClientGet(url);

It will not continue to the next step until this step was finished but it will release the thread to perform other tests

like image 141
Liraz Shay Avatar answered Dec 06 '22 15:12

Liraz Shay