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Does something like CHESS exist for Java? [closed]

CHESS is a tool for finding and reproducing Heisenbugs in concurrent programs. CHESS repeatedly runs a concurrent test ensuring that every run takes a different interleaving. If an interleaving results in an error, CHESS can reproduce the interleaving for improved debugging. [Source]

Does a tool like this exist for Java?

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Bjarke Freund-Hansen Avatar asked Dec 02 '11 13:12

Bjarke Freund-Hansen

2 Answers

Haven't used in personally, but the book Clean Code by Robert C. Martin describes a tool from IBM called ConTest that is supposed to aid concurrent testing similarly:

ConTest - A Tool for Testing Multi-threaded Java Applications

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Jon Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 13:10


The only tool I'm aware of that's somewhat like what you're describing is an academic project called RoadRunner, which is described in this paper:

The ROADRUNNER Dynamic Analysis Framework for Concurrent Programs

And available for download here:

The RoadRunner Dynamic Analysis Framework

Again, I don't think that's exactly what you're looking for, but I'm not aware of anything closer. I'll be interested to see if anyone comes up with an exact analogue.

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Shaun Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 14:10
