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Does scons know in which directory a SConscript file resides?



We are evaluating scons as a build system, and I am having a problem accomodating our old system. In some of our source code subdirectories, we have a "sources.lib" file that lists the names of the C++ files that need to be compiled to assemble that directory's target library. But, there are additional C++ files in the same directory, so I can't just use Glob() to find the appropriate ones.

How do I find out which directory a SConscript file resides in? os.getcwd() always returns the build directory. Even though the documentation states that paths in a SConscript are relative to the source directory (or else Glob('*.cpp') wouldn't work), just doing an open('sources.lib') fails because it looks for the file in the build directory. Finally, the build environment in that SConscript file doesn't contain the actual current source directory.

Edit From this reply it looks like


returns the proper filename and directory, but it won't tell you if it exists (must use os.path.isfile for that). It also appears that


will tell you where the SConstruct file resides.

Example When defining which source files to compile for a library, I don't want to use

lib = env.SharedLibrary('mylib', Glob('*.cpp'))

but instead would rather construct a function that first checks for the existence of "sources.lib" and if it does not exist, use globbing. So I'm defining my library like so

lib = env.SharedLibrary('mylib', env.getSources('*.cpp'))

and making a function that reads the file if it exists

def getSources(self, pattern):

    # list of source files to assign to a target
    sources = []
    # srcFile = 'sources.lib' # failed
    # srcFile = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'sources.lib') # failed
    srcFile = File('sources.lib').srcnode().abspath # works

    # look for sources.lib
        infile = open(srcFile,'r')
    except IOError:
        #print "Globbing to get sources"
        sources = Glob(pattern, strings=True)
        #print "Reading sources.lib"
        for line in infile.readlines():
            line = line.rstrip('\n\r')
            if line != '':

    return sources


This seems to work. I didn't know about File.srcnode().abspath until today.

like image 766
mstock Avatar asked Mar 21 '12 14:03


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SCons is a computer software build tool that automatically analyzes source code file dependencies and operating system adaptation requirements from a software project description and generates final binary executables for installation on the target operating system platform.

What is SCons Linux?

What is SCons? SCons is an Open Source software construction tool. Think of SCons as an improved, cross-platform substitute for the classic Make utility with integrated functionality similar to autoconf/automake and compiler caches such as ccache.

1 Answers

I use the following code:

this_sconscript_file = (lambda x:x).func_code.co_filename
code_base = os.path.dirname(this_sconscript_file)
like image 80
olpa Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 06:09
