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does Sails js populate association automatically?

Here two model with one to many relationship.


module.exports = {
  attributes: {
    ... (some attributes)
      model: "user"


module.exports = {
  attributes: {
      ... (some attributes)
      collection: "video",
      via: "createdBy"

And I'm using blueprints.js to request data to sails. If I have understood correctly, you can turn on or off auto population in config/blueprints.js (populate: ture) which I turned off. But when I request GET /video/1 for instance, it gave me populated data as following:

  "createdBy": {
    "user_type": 3,
    "id": 5,
    "createdAt": "2015-01-21T03:36:04.832Z",
    "updatedAt": "2015-02-03T04:35:02.671Z"
  "title": "test video",
  "url": "http://localhost",
  "description": "testing submission",
  "view": 102,
  "id": 5,
  "createdAt": "2015-02-03T01:16:20.640Z",
  "updatedAt": "2015-02-03T04:34:26.726Z"

createdBy field where I believe it supposed to be just id of user. Is this expected behavior even though auto populate is turned off in blueprints.js?

like image 616
REALFREE Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 18:10


1 Answers

you can configure this using config/blueprints.js. only change you have to do is find "populate", un-comment it and set as false.

 * Blueprint API Configuration
 * (sails.config.blueprints)
 * These settings are for the global configuration of blueprint routes and
 * request options (which impact the behavior of blueprint actions).
 * You may also override any of these settings on a per-controller basis
 * by defining a '_config' key in your controller definition, and assigning it
 * a configuration object with overrides for the settings in this file.
 * A lot of the configuration options below affect so-called "CRUD methods",
 * or your controllers' `find`, `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions.
 * It's important to realize that, even if you haven't defined these yourself, as long as
 * a model exists with the same name as the controller, Sails will respond with built-in CRUD
 * logic in the form of a JSON API, including support for sort, pagination, and filtering.
 * For more information on the blueprint API, check out:
 * http://sailsjs.org/#!/documentation/reference/blueprint-api
 * For more information on the settings in this file, see:
 * http://sailsjs.org/#!/documentation/reference/sails.config/sails.config.blueprints.html

module.exports.blueprints = {

  *                                                                          *
  * Action routes speed up the backend development workflow by               *
  * eliminating the need to manually bind routes. When enabled, GET, POST,   *
  * PUT, and DELETE routes will be generated for every one of a controller's *
  * actions.                                                                 *
  *                                                                          *
  * If an `index` action exists, additional naked routes will be created for *
  * it. Finally, all `actions` blueprints support an optional path           *
  * parameter, `id`, for convenience.                                        *
  *                                                                          *
  * `actions` are enabled by default, and can be OK for production--         *
  * however, if you'd like to continue to use controller/action autorouting  *
  * in a production deployment, you must take great care not to              *
  * inadvertently expose unsafe/unintentional controller logic to GET        *
  * requests.                                                                *
  *                                                                          *

  // actions: true,

  *                                                                          *
  * RESTful routes (`sails.config.blueprints.rest`)                          *
  *                                                                          *
  * REST blueprints are the automatically generated routes Sails uses to     *
  * expose a conventional REST API on top of a controller's `find`,          *
  * `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions.                               *
  *                                                                          *
  * For example, a BoatController with `rest` enabled generates the          *
  * following routes:                                                        *
  * :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::                  *
  *  GET /boat -> BoatController.find                                        *
  *  GET /boat/:id -> BoatController.findOne                                 *
  *  POST /boat -> BoatController.create                                     *
  *  PUT /boat/:id -> BoatController.update                                  *
  *  DELETE /boat/:id -> BoatController.destroy                              *
  *                                                                          *
  * `rest` blueprint routes are enabled by default, and are suitable for use *
  * in a production scenario, as long you take standard security precautions *
  * (combine w/ policies, etc.)                                              *
  *                                                                          *

  // rest: true,

  *                                                                          *
  * Shortcut routes are simple helpers to provide access to a                *
  * controller's CRUD methods from your browser's URL bar. When enabled,     *
  * GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE routes will be generated for the              *
  * controller's`find`, `create`, `update`, and `destroy` actions.           *
  *                                                                          *
  * `shortcuts` are enabled by default, but should be disabled in            *
  * production.                                                              *
  *                                                                          *

  // shortcuts: true,

  *                                                                          *
  * An optional mount path for all blueprint routes on a controller,         *
  * including `rest`, `actions`, and `shortcuts`. This allows you to take    *
  * advantage of blueprint routing, even if you need to namespace your API   *
  * methods.                                                                 *
  *                                                                          *
  * (NOTE: This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from *
  * `sails.config.routes`)                                                   *
  *                                                                          *

  // prefix: '',

   *                                                                          *
   * An optional mount path for all REST blueprint routes on a controller.    *
   * And it do not include `actions` and `shortcuts` routes.                  *
   * This allows you to take advantage of REST blueprint routing,             *
   * even if you need to namespace your RESTful API methods                   *
   *                                                                          *

  // restPrefix: '',

  *                                                                          *
  * Whether to pluralize controller names in blueprint routes.               *
  *                                                                          *
  * (NOTE: This only applies to blueprint autoroutes, not manual routes from *
  * `sails.config.routes`)                                                   *
  *                                                                          *
  * For example, REST blueprints for `FooController` with `pluralize`        *
  * enabled:                                                                 *
  * GET /foos/:id?                                                           *
  * POST /foos                                                               *
  * PUT /foos/:id?                                                           *
  * DELETE /foos/:id?                                                        *
  *                                                                          *

  // pluralize: false,

  *                                                                          *
  * Whether the blueprint controllers should populate model fetches with     *
  * data from other models which are linked by associations                  *
  *                                                                          *
  * If you have a lot of data in one-to-many associations, leaving this on   *
  * may result in very heavy api calls                                       *
  *                                                                          *

   populate: false,

  *                                                                           *
  * Whether to run Model.watch() in the find and findOne blueprint actions.   *
  * Can be overridden on a per-model basis.                                   *
  *                                                                           *

  // autoWatch: true,

  *                                                                           *
  * The default number of records to show in the response from a "find"       *
  * action. Doubles as the default size of populated arrays if populate is    *
  * true.                                                                     *
  *                                                                           *

  // defaultLimit: 30

like image 177
Arjun Kava Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 21:10

Arjun Kava