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Does redeclaring variables in C++ cost anything?

For readability, I think the first code block below is better. But is the second code block faster?

First Block:

for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++){
    int number = rand() % 10000 + 1;
    string fizzBuzz = GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(number);

Second Block:

int number;
string fizzBuzz;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++){
    number = rand() % 10000 + 1;
    fizzBuzz = GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(number);

Does redeclaring variables in C++ cost anything?

like image 281
Evorlor Avatar asked Feb 28 '15 15:02


People also ask

Can a variable be Redeclared in C?

C allows a global variable to be declared again when first declaration doesn't initialize the variable.

Do you need to declare variables in C?

Before you can use a variable in C, you must declare it. Variable declarations show up in three places: Outside a function. These declarations declare global variables that are visible throughout the program (i.e. they have global scope).

Can we declare variables anywhere in C?

Modern C compilers such as gcc and clang support the C99 and C11 standards, which allow you to declare a variable anywhere a statement could go. The variable's scope starts from the point of the declaration to the end of the block (next closing brace). You can also declare variables inside for loop initializers.

Can you declare a variable in a for loop in C?

It's not a problem to define a variable within a loop. In fact, it's good practice, since identifiers should be confined to the smallest possible scope.

3 Answers

Any modern compiler will notice this and do the optimization work. When in doubt, always go for the readability. Declare variables in as inner-most scope as you can.

like image 153
brunch875 Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11


I benchmarked this particular code, and even WITHOUT optimisation, it came to almost the same runtime for both variants. And as soon as the lowest level of optimisation is turned on, the result is very close to identical (+/- a bit of noise in the time measurement).

Edit: below analysis of the generated assembler code shows that it's hard to guess which form is faster, since the answer most people would probably give is func2, but it turns out this function is a tiny bit slower, at least when compiling with clang++ and -O2. And it's good evidence that "writ code, benchmark, change code, benchmark" is the correct way to deal with performance, not guessing based on reading the code. And remember what someone told me, optimising is a bit like taking an onion apart in layers - once you optimise one part, you end up looking at something very similar just a little smaller... ;)

However, my initial analysis made func1 significantly slower - that turns out to be becuse the compiler, for some bizarr reason, doesn't optimise the rand() % 10000 + 1 in func1 but does in func2 when optimisation is turned of. This means that func1. However, once optimisation is enabled, both functions gets a "fast" modulo.

Using the linux performance tool perf shows that with clang++ and -O2 we get the following for func1

  15.76%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         free
  12.31%  a.out    libstdc++.so.6.0.20  std::string::_S_construct<char cons
  12.29%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         _int_malloc
  10.05%  a.out    a.out                func1
   7.26%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         __random
   6.36%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         malloc
   5.46%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         __random_r
   5.01%  a.out    libstdc++.so.6.0.20  std::basic_string<char, std::char_t
   4.83%  a.out    libstdc++.so.6.0.20  std::string::_Rep::_S_create
   4.01%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         strlen

and for func2:

  17.88%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         free
  10.73%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         _int_malloc                    
   9.77%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         malloc
   9.03%  a.out    a.out                func2                        
   7.63%  a.out    libstdc++.so.6.0.20  std::string::_S_construct<char con
   6.96%  a.out    libstdc++.so.6.0.20  std::string::_Rep::_S_create
   4.48%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         __random  
   4.39%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         __random_r
   4.10%  a.out    libc-2.20.so         strlen 

There are some subtle differences, but I would call those as being more to do with the relatively short runtime of the benchmark, rather than the difference in actual code generated by the compiler.

This is with the following code:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdlib>

#define N 500000

extern std::string GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(int number);

void func1()
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        int number = rand() % 10000 + 1;
        std::string fizzBuzz = GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(number);

void func2()
    int number;
    std::string fizzBuzz;
    for (int i = 0; i < N; i++){
        number = rand() % 10000 + 1;
        fizzBuzz = GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(number);

static __inline__ unsigned long long rdtsc(void)
    unsigned hi, lo;
    __asm__ __volatile__ ("rdtsc" : "=a"(lo), "=d"(hi));
    return ( (unsigned long long)lo)|( ((unsigned long long)hi)<<32 );

int main(int argc, char **argv)

    void (*f)();

    if (argc == 1)
    f = func1;
    f = func2;

    for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
        unsigned long long t1 = rdtsc();

        t1 = rdtsc() - t1;

        std::cout << "time=" << t1 << std::endl;

and in a separate file:

#include <string>

std::string GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(int number)
    return "SomeString";

Running with func1:


Running with func2:


This is with another 0 added to N - so 10 times longer runtime - it seems that it's fairly consistently a little SLOWER, but it's a few percent, and probably within the noise, really - in time, the whole benchmark takes around 1.30-1.39 seconds.

Edit: Looking at the assembly code of the actual loop [this is only a portion of the loop, but the rest is identical in terms of what the code actutally does]


.LBB0_1:                                # %for.body
    callq   rand
    movslq  %eax, %rcx
    imulq   $1759218605, %rcx, %rcx # imm = 0x68DB8BAD
    movq    %rcx, %rdx
    shrq    $63, %rdx
    sarq    $44, %rcx
    addl    %edx, %ecx
    imull   $10000, %ecx, %ecx      # imm = 0x2710
    negl    %ecx
    leal    1(%rax,%rcx), %esi
    movq    %r15, %rdi
    callq   _Z26GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogici
    movq    (%rsp), %rax
    leaq    -24(%rax), %rdi
    cmpq    %rbx, %rdi
    jne .LBB0_2
.LBB0_7:                                # %_ZNSsD2Ev.exit
    decl    %ebp
    jne .LBB0_1


    callq   rand
    movslq  %eax, %rcx
    imulq   $1759218605, %rcx, %rcx # imm = 0x68DB8BAD
    movq    %rcx, %rdx
    shrq    $63, %rdx
    sarq    $44, %rcx
    addl    %edx, %ecx
    imull   $10000, %ecx, %ecx      # imm = 0x2710
    negl    %ecx
    leal    1(%rax,%rcx), %esi
    movq    %rbx, %rdi
    callq   _Z26GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogici
    movq    %r14, %rdi
    movq    %rbx, %rsi
    callq   _ZNSs4swapERSs
    movq    (%rsp), %rax
    leaq    -24(%rax), %rdi
    cmpq    %r12, %rdi
    jne .LBB1_4
.LBB1_9:                                # %_ZNSsD2Ev.exit19
    incl    %ebp
    cmpl    $5000000, %ebp          # imm = 0x4C4B40

So, as can be seen, the func2 version contains an extra function call:

    callq   _ZNSs4swapERSs

which translates to std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >::swap(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> >&) or std::string::swap(std::string&) - which is presumably the result of calling std::string::operator=(std::string &s). This would explain why func2 is slightly slower than func1.

I'm sure it is possible to find cases where constructing/destroying an object takes significant amounts of time in a loop, but in general, it will make little or no difference at all, and having clearer code will actually help the reader. It will also often help the compiler with "life-time analysis", since it's less code to "walk" to find out if the variable is used later (in this case, the code is short anyway, but that's obviously not always the case in real life examples)

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Mats Petersson Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11

Mats Petersson

The 1st code block should be considered faster, since you don't have any overhead for calling the std::string default constructor once.

Actually you don't have a redeclaration of the variables in your 2nd code block. These are just plain assignment operations.

A redeclaration would actually mean you have something like this

int number;
string fizzBuzz;
for (int i = 0; i < 5000; i++){
    int number = rand() % 10000 + 1;
 // ^^^
    string fizzBuzz = GetStringFromFizzBuzzLogic(number);
 // ^^^^^^

In this case the overhead would be optimized out by the compiler, since the outer scope variables aren't used at all.

like image 4
πάντα ῥεῖ Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 09:11

πάντα ῥεῖ