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Does Python have andmap / ormap?



I am still a beginner at coding, especially with python. In one of my freshman classes, we were introduced to racket, a functional programming language very similar to scheme. In this class we learned about the functions andmap and ormap.

Is there a built in andmap and ormap in Python?

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Dzhao Avatar asked Mar 13 '23 01:03


1 Answers

Python has the map function that applies a function to a sequence plus all and any that perform the and and or functions. These short-circuit as soon as their condition is violated.

any(map(somefunction, sequence))
all(map(somefunction, sequence))

Python also lets you iterate and apply functions to a sequence directly in the language

any(somefunction(x) for x in sequence)
all(somefunction(x) for x in sequence)
like image 125
tdelaney Avatar answered Mar 23 '23 15:03
