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Does Presto have the equivalent of Hive's SET command



It's very convenient to be able to set script variables. For example,

SET start_date = 20151201;

SELECT * FROM some_table where date = {$hiveconf:start_date};

Does Presto have this capability?

like image 341
Kevin Morris Avatar asked Dec 15 '15 23:12

Kevin Morris

People also ask

How do you query in Presto?

If you want to run a query through a path, select Query Path from the drop-down list, then specify the cloud storage path that contains the Presto query file.

1 Answers

Not yet. Presto only have set session command for setting some presto properties during current session. For example SET SESSION distributed_join=true;

But presto can not set a variable and use it in following sql like hive does.

like image 50
袁安峰 Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09
