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Does PHPUnit have some inbuilt recursive array comparison function?

Some of the testing I will need to do will require comparing a known array with the result I am getting from the functions I will be running.

For comparing arrays recursively:

  • Does PHPUnit have an inbuilt function?
  • Does someone here have some code they have constructed to share?
  • Will this be something I will have to construct on my own?
like image 977
Ben Dauphinee Avatar asked May 30 '10 01:05

Ben Dauphinee

People also ask

How can I check if two arrays are equal in PHP?

Use the sort() function to sort an array element and then use the equality operator. Use array operator ( == ) in case of Associative array.

How can I compare one array to another in PHP?

The array_diff() function compares the values of two (or more) arrays, and returns the differences. This function compares the values of two (or more) arrays, and return an array that contains the entries from array1 that are not present in array2 or array3, etc.

2 Answers

Yes it does. assertEquals() and assertNotEquals() documentation.



assertEquals(mixed $expected, mixed $actual[, string $message = '']) 

Reports an error identified by $message if the two variables $expected and $actual are not equal.

assertNotEquals() is the inverse of this assertion and takes the same arguments.

Test Code:

public function testArraysEqual() {     $arr1 = array( 'hello' => 'a', 'goodbye' => 'b');     $arr2 = array( 'hello' => 'a', 'goodbye' => 'b');      $this->assertEquals($arr1, $arr2); }  public function testArraysNotEqual() {     $arr1 = array( 'hello' => 'a', 'goodbye' => 'b');     $arr2 = array( 'hello' => 'b', 'goodbye' => 'a');      $this->assertNotEquals($arr1, $arr2); } 


Here is the code for out of order aLists:

public function testArraysEqualReverse() {     $arr1 = array( 'hello' => 'a', 'goodbye' => 'b');     $arr2 = array( 'goodbye' => 'b', 'hello' => 'a');      $this->assertEquals($arr1, $arr2); } 

This test fails:

public function testArraysOutOfOrderEqual() {     $arr1 = array( 'a', 'b');     $arr2 = array( 'b', 'a');      $this->assertEquals($arr1, $arr2); } 

With message:

Failed asserting that  Array (     [0] => b     [1] => a )  is equal to  Array (     [0] => a     [1] => b ) 
like image 163
Gutzofter Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 19:10



$array1 = array('hi','hi2'); $array2 = array('hi2','hi'); $this->assertEquals(array_values($array1), array_values($array2)); 

Will fail.

@Ben Dauphinee

It might be worth looking at assertContains(mixed $needle, array $haystack) but you would have to loop through both arrays and compare each element with the other array to ensure it contained all the required elements and no others, this however wouldn't account for an array containing two identical elements

$array1 = array('hi','hi2','hi'); $array2 = array('hi2','hi'); 

would pass in this case

It also doesn't account for any further recursion which would probably be quite complicated to deal with.

Depending on the complexity might just be easier in the long run to implement your own assert function.

like image 37
ians Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 20:10
