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Does ngRepeat rerender all items after adding an new item?

If during execution an item is added to an array that is rendered using ngRepeat, does it redraw all items?

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redben Avatar asked Jun 05 '13 18:06


People also ask

How does ng-repeat work?

Definition and Usage The ng-repeat directive repeats a set of HTML, a given number of times. The set of HTML will be repeated once per item in a collection. The collection must be an array or an object. Note: Each instance of the repetition is given its own scope, which consist of the current item.

Does ng-repeat create a new scope?

Each iteration of ng-repeat creates a new child scope, and that new child scope always gets a new property.

What can I use instead of NG-repeat?

But ng-repeat is not the right thing to use when you have large datasets as it involves heavy DOM manipulations. And you should consider using ng-repeat with pagination. You can consider using transclusion inside a custom directive, to achieve the behavior you are looking for without using ng-repeat.

Where is the last element in NG-repeat?

$first and $last It's common when using ng-repeat to add specific behavior to the first or last element of the loop, e.g. special styling around the edges. Instead, ng-repeat already supplies you with two ready boolean properties. $first is true for the first element, and $last is true for the last element.

2 Answers

Since Angular 1.2 we have the 'track by' option which will prevent the repeater from re-rendering all the items.


ng-repeat="task in tasks track by task.id"

Check out this explanation : http://www.codelord.net/2014/04/15/improving-ng-repeat-performance-with-track-by/

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DarioM Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 19:09


Yes, all items are redrawn.

In fact, the items may be redrawn at other times as well.

Example: When a value in a parent directive / template is updated. During the '$digest' loop, Angular will evaluate the scope tree and this will cause affected child components to be redrawn.

More information:

  • http://docs.angularjs.org/guide/concepts#runtime
  • http://docs.angularjs.org/api/ng.$rootScope.Scope#$digest
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Alex Osborn Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 19:09

Alex Osborn