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Does mysqldump support a progress bar?



Is there any way to determine, while mysqldump is running, how much of the backup has completed or how much is remaining?

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Sina Avatar asked Jan 31 '11 15:01


People also ask

What is the difference between Mysqldump and Mysqlpump?

mysqlpump is the 4th fastest followed closer by mydumper when using gzip. mysqldump is the classic old-school style to perform dumps and is the slowest of the four tools. In a server with more CPUs, the potential parallelism increases, giving even more advantage to the tools that can benefit from multiple threads.

How do I check MySQL backup progress?

Either MySQL or MariaDB does not provide direct way to monitor the progress of backup. You can use PV("Pipe Viewer") to monitor the progress of backups. PV("Pipe Viewer") is a tool for monitoring the progress of data through the pipeline. It can be used to visualize how quickly data is passing through and progress.

Does Mysqldump affect performance?

The mysqldump process, however, is just querying the database, and the queries themselves runs on the mysql server with the usual priority and cause (almost) the same impact on the server. mysqldump is not the bottleneck.

What does the Mysqldump tool do?

The mysqldump client utility performs logical backups, producing a set of SQL statements that can be executed to reproduce the original database object definitions and table data. It dumps one or more MySQL databases for backup or transfer to another SQL server.

6 Answers

Install and use pv (it is available as a yum package for CentOS)


PV ("Pipe Viewer") is a tool for monitoring the progress of data through a pipeline. It can be inserted into any normal pipeline between two processes to give a visual indication of how quickly data is passing through, how long it has taken, how near to completion it is, and an estimate of how long it will be until completion.

Assuming the expect size of the resulting dumpfile.sql file is 100m (100 megabytes), the use of pv would be as follows:

mysqldump <parameters> | pv --progress --size 100m > dumpfile.sql

The console output will look like:

[===> ] 20%

Look at the man page man pv for more options. You can display the transfer rate, or how much time has elapsed, or how many bytes have transferred, and more.

If you do not know the size of your dump file, there is a way to obtain a size of the MySQL database from the table_schema - it will not be the size of your dump file, but it may be close enough for your needs:

SELECT table_schema AS "Database", ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) AS "Size (MB)" FROM information_schema.TABLES GROUP BY table_schema;


In my experience, when dumping the entire MySQL server, the actual uncompressed size of the mysql dump (using the mysqldump --hex-blob option) is roughly between 75% to 85% of the live size of MySQL data obtained from information_schema. So for a general solution, I might try the following:

SIZE_BYTES=$(mysql --skip-column-names <parameters> <<< 'SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length) * 0.8) AS "size_bytes" FROM information_schema.TABLES;')

mysqldump <parameters> --hex-blob | pv --progress --size $SIZE_BYTES > dumpfile.sql

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Russell E Glaue Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Russell E Glaue

Yes, a patch was committed on March 27th, 2010:

This new patch has an extra parameter --show-progress-size which by default is set to 10,000. So when --verbose is used, every 10,000 lines you will get a regular status output of the number of rows for a particular table dumped.

So check your version, update if needed and enjoy.

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xelco52 Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


A complete version of the Russell E Glaue answer. Get rounded db size as pv accepts integer only and calculate data length without indexes, per @mtoloo comment:

db_size=$(mysql  -h"$DB_HOST" \
    -u"$DB_USERNAME" \
    -p"$DB_PASSWORD" \
    --silent \
    --skip-column-names \
    -e "SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length) / 1024 / 1024, 0) \
        FROM information_schema.TABLES \
        WHERE table_schema='$DB_NAME';")

Create a backup into timestamped filename:

mysqldump -h"$DB_HOST" \
    -u"$DB_USERNAME" \
    -p"$DB_PASSWORD" \
    --single-transaction \
    --order-by-primary \
    --compress \
    $DB_NAME | pv --progress --size "$db_size"m > "$(date +%Y%m%d)"_backup.sql
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pocheptsov Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 07:10


After MySQL 5.7+, you can use mysqlpump. Although it doesn't show a progress bar, it still shows some progress like this:

Dump progress: 1/1 tables, 0/191 rows
Dump progress: 16/17 tables, 19959/116836 rows
Dump progress: 18/19 tables, 22959/117032 rows
Dump progress: 19/21 tables, 24459/118851 rows
Dump progress: 19/22 tables, 26959/118852 rows
Dump progress: 21/23 tables, 28545/119020 rows
Dump progress: 22/23 tables, 30045/119020 rows
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Stephen Chen Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Stephen Chen

Just created Bash script MySQL / MariaDB Dump Helper inspired by Russell E Glaue and pocheptsov.

There is a sample of output:

❯ ./bin/db/dump xxx
[2020-08-19 09:54:59+02:00] [INFO] Dumping database 'master' (≈5.4GiB) into ./bin/db/master.sql...
5.40GiB 0:07:56 [11.6MiB/s] [===========================================================================>] 100%
[2020-08-19 10:02:56+02:00] [INFO] Done.
[2020-08-19 10:02:56+02:00] [INFO] Dumping database 'second_db' (≈2.2GiB) into ./bin/db/second_db.sql...
 905MiB 0:01:38 [1.34MiB/s] [==============================>                                              ] 41% ETA 0:02:17
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Petr Bugyík Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 06:10

Petr Bugyík

I was looking for some similar tool (PV) but Im not dumping DBs. While merging two large databases, with some extra calculations and formulas, the process was not listed on TOP nor HTOP utilities, but only on the header as a io% (Only shows in the list at startup process then it disapears). Shows high usage all the time, but in this case is on IO side and its not listed in the bodylist on the utilities as other processes do display. I had to use IOSTAT instead to see writing progress of output database but couldnt figure if was actually doing the writing on the file (only displays xfer rates). I found out the old way, using Filezilla FTP, comparing source databases sizes, and since Im doing a merge, the output file had to showed up while the files were merged. I was able to watch the increment when refreshing filezilla directory contents until process ended succesfully, the size of the sum of both DBs merged as expected. (You can actually do a refresh per minute and calculate manually the time of your hardware io xfer and processing speed)

I went to the MySQL directory (Where the actual database is stored as files, in my case ../mysql/database/tablename.MYD ... (files in MYSQL are saved with a corresponding .FRM file that contains the table format data, and an .MYI file, which serves as the database index) and just refresh the page to be able to see actual size of output merged file and indeed, worked out for me.

By the way, TOP and HTOP only showed MYSQLD doing some backgroud process but the workhorse was transfered to de IO side for output. Both of my merging DBs were of about 20 million rows about 5 gigs each, on my CPU dual Core was taking hours to merge, and no progress at all were showed anywhere (Even phpmyadmin timed out but the process continued). Tried to use PV using PID numbers but since Im not doing dumping there is no transfer to pipe. Anyway just write this out for someone that is looking for effective and easy way to check progress of creation of output file. It should work also for dumps and restores. Be patience, once it starts, it will finish, thats for sure, unless error on SQL sintax (Happened to me before, no rows were merged at all on previous trials, it took its sweet time but nothing happened at the end, and without tools, impossible knowing whats going on, its a waist of time), I suggest you can try with some small sample rows before commit to the time consuming real operation, to validate your SQL sintax.

Not completely answering your question on progress bar on a c++ program, but you can take this to grab file size of the MYD file created and calculate a progress bar using source file size divided by xfer rate to calculate remaining time. Best Regards.

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Luis H Cabrejo Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Luis H Cabrejo