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Does my "zipLatest" operator already exist?

quick question about an operator I've written for myself.

Please excuse my poor-man's marble diagrams:




zipLatest (the one I wrote) fires at almost the same times as zip, but without the queueing zip includes.

I've already implemented it, I'm just wondering if this already exists. I know I wrote a similar method in the past, to discover by random chance that I'd written the sample operator without knowing it.

So, does this already exist in the framework, or exist as a trivial composition of elements I haven't thought of?

Note: I don't want to rely on equality of my inputs to deduplicate (a la distinctUntilChanged). It should work with a signal that only outputs "a" on an interval.

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psycotica0 Avatar asked Jul 04 '16 18:07


1 Answers

To give an update on the issue: There is still no operator for this requirement included in RxJS 6 and none seems to be planned for future releases. There are also no open pull requests that propose this operator.

As suggested here, a combination of combineLatest, first and repeat will produce the expected behaviour:

combineLatest(obs1, obs2).pipe(first()).pipe(repeat());

combineLatest will wait for the emission of both Observables - throwing away all emissions apart from the latest of each. first will complete the Observable after the emission and repeat resubscribes on combineLatest, causing it to wait again for the latest values of both observables.

The resubscription behaviour of repeat is not fully documented, but can be found in the GitHub source:


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ggradnig Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 09:10
