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Does my app use crypting? Firebase

I use Firebase database, storage etc. in my application. When I uploaded my archive to Itunes Connect, it has asked me a questions about crypting. Do I use crypting in my application and etc.

I know, that Firebase uses https.

So the question is: If I use Firebase, what should I answer on this questions?

enter image description here enter image description here

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Vlad Pulichev Avatar asked Sep 01 '17 06:09

Vlad Pulichev

People also ask

Does your app use encryption IOS?

The answer to this question is simply YES. We should select yes option even if we only used 'https' to connect to the server and did not use any other standard encryptions in our app, because Apple consider https as a standard encryption itself.

Does my app use encryption unity?

Unity IAP does not use encryption. There is an another question about advertisement. If you have Ads in your app, you will select yes.

Does AdMob encrypt data?

All communications with Google and Firebase through Google-provided SDKs use the SSL libraries provided by Apple to communicate with their respective services. If you're making requests to AdMob and retrieving ad images, your communicating over an encrypted channel.

Is https exempt from export compliance?

Typically, the use of encryption that's built into the operating system—for example, when your app makes HTTPS connections using URLSession —is exempt from export documentation upload requirements, whereas the use of proprietary encryption is not.

1 Answers

As of September 20th, 2016 (Dentons) the answer is almost always No. Unless you are a encrypted message provider like Signal, Telegram, Whatsapp or Snapchat - these export controls are no longer a concern. Nearly every app uses HTTPS these days and it defeats the purpose of the U.S. Export Registry if every app needs to be registered.

The countries that are export restricted are people you don't normally want as customers; Syria, North Korea ect... and are typically restricted from using apps for more fundamental reasons - like not having cellphone towers or even the ability to buy a cellphone. It is common for backend services like Firebase and Google to blacklist export-restricted IP spaces, so they won't be able to connect even if they get the app.

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rook Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09
