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Does Mongoose only support embedded documents in arrays?

I have some data in MongoDB that looks like this:

    name: "Steve",
    location: {
        city: "Nowhere, IL",
        country: "The United States of Awesome"

I’m using objects to organize common data structures (like locations), which in Mongoose might map nicely to Schemas. Unfortunately, they don't appear to really work in Mongoose.

If I just embed an object, like this:

    name: String,
    location: {
        city: String,
        country: String

It appears to work, but exhibits some bizarre behavior that causes problems for me (e.g. instance.location.location returns location, and subobjects inherit methods from the parent schema). I started a thread on the Mongoose list, but it hasn’t seen any action.

If I embed a Schema, like this:

    name: String,
    location: new Schema({
        city: String,
        country: String

…my application doesn’t start (Schema isn’t a type supported by Mongoose). Ditto for

    name: String,
    location: Object

…which wouldn’t be ideal, anyway.

Am I missing something or do my schemas not jive with Mongoose?

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s4y Avatar asked May 30 '11 02:05


2 Answers

I did something similar:

var Topic = new Schema({
      author    : ObjectId
    , title     : String
    , body      : String
    , topics    : [Topic]

This worked fine in my tests. However, removing the array brakets resulted in an error. Looks like a bug to me.


Dumping types, I only get String, Number, Boolean, DocumentArray, Array, Date, ObjectId, Mixed -- which appears to be on purpose, schema/index.js doesn't look like it dynamically registers new Schemas to the list of types, so I am guessing this isn't a supported use case, yet.


"Embedding single docs is out of the question. It's not a good idea (just use regular nested objects)"


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Josh Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10


It looks like this was a bug, it’s been fixed in Mongoose 2.0!

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s4y Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 22:10
