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Does lombok @Builder allow extends

I have 2 classes:

import lombok.Builder;
public class B extends A {


import lombok.Builder;
public class A {

on the @Builder on B I get the message:

The return type is incompatible with A.builder().

Is this a limitation of lombok? or something I'm doing wrong?

If I leave the @Builder off A, then the Builder on B doesn't seem to consider the fields in A in the constructors for B.

like image 532
AixNPanes Avatar asked Mar 15 '18 14:03


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Overview. Project Lombok's @Builder is a helpful mechanism for using the Builder pattern without writing boilerplate code. We can apply this annotation to a Class or a method. In this quick tutorial, we'll look at the different use cases for @Builder.

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1 Answers

The latest lombok release 1.18.2 includes the new experimental @SuperBuilder. It supports inheritance and fields from superclasses (also abstract ones). The only requirement is that all superclasses must have the @SuperBuilder annotation. With it, the solution is as simple as this:

public class B extends A {
   private String b;

public class A {
    private String a;

B instance = B.builder().b("b").a("a").build();
like image 195
Jan Rieke Avatar answered Oct 01 '22 17:10

Jan Rieke