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Does LINQ Where clause honor order?

When I use a LINQ Where clause, does the returned list of items honor the order they were in the original list?

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daniely Avatar asked Mar 28 '12 15:03


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2 Answers

It depends on how the collection being queried has its GetEnumerator is implemented. If GetEnumerator iterates through the collection in the order added, then it will honor order.


Here's an example that I put together with LINQPad:

var items = new List<int>() { 1,2,3,4,5 };
items.Insert(3, 100);

(from i in items
 where i > 2
 select i).Dump();



So, the Where clause honors the order of the items in the list since List's GetEnumerator starts at the first item in the list and proceeds through the end.

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David Hoerster Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 01:09

David Hoerster

Where processes items in the order IEnumerable<T> gives. If you query an implementation of IEnumerable<T> thats keeps the order in which they are inserted (such as List<T>), then you keep the order. If you query a HashTable<T> for example, order is not guaranteed.

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Ortiga Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 01:09
