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Does Kickstarter have a public API? [closed]

I am looking for a kickstarter API (but had no luck finding one).

I did see a scraping API on github, but that's not really what I'm looking for.

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Dave Avatar asked Oct 16 '12 03:10


People also ask

Does Kickstarter have an API?

The Kickstarter website still doesn't offer a public API, so performing Kickstarter data analysis without it can be a pretty tricky task. But our Kickstarter Scraper should solve all of these problems and help you organize your own little Kickstarter scraping lab.

What happens when a Kickstarter ends?

Creators will still receive the balance of collected funds, less fees, even if the final amount falls below your project's funding goal due to dropped pledges. Kickstarter will only collect fees on the funds that we are able to successfully collect.

Can you back a Kickstarter project after it ends?

If the project has ended and pledge collection has started it is no longer possible to cancel. Additionally, it is not possible to decrease or cancel a pledge during the last 24 hours of the campaign if doing so would drop the project below its funding goal.

Does Kickstarter still exist?

Kickstarter is one of the largest crowdfunding sites for creative people. It has helped innovators raise more than $6.2 billion, with over 200,000 projects funded through the platform. Founded in 2009, more than 20 million people have backed a project on Kickstarter to date. Their pricing model is all or nothing.

3 Answers

Not really (currently!), but they do have a private way to get projects using their ajax search functionality. Using:


results (TERM_HERE = "asd"):

{     "projects": [         {             "name": "A Seasonal Disguise releases &quot;Waterfowl Of Eastern Canada&quot;",             "id": 68646,             "card_html": "<div class=\"project-card-wrap\">\n<div class=\"project-card\">\n<div class=\"project-thumbnail\">\n<a href=\"https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1560695581/a-seasonal-disguise-releases-waterfowl-of-eastern?ref=live\" target=\"\"><img alt=\"Photo-little\" class=\"projectphoto-little\" height=\"150\" src=\"https://s3.amazonaws.com/ksr/projects/68646/photo-little.jpg?1326348575\" width=\"200\" /></a>\n</div>\n<h2>\n<strong>\n<a href=\"https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1560695581/a-seasonal-disguise-releases-waterfowl-of-eastern?ref=live\" target=\"\">A Seasonal Disguise releases &quot;Waterfowl Of Eastern Canada&quot;</a>\n</strong>\n<span>\nby\nZ.V. House\n</span>\n</h2>\n<p>After three long years ASD is releasing another full length album and going on tour. They are poor and need your help!</p>\n<ul class=\"project-meta\">\n<li>\n<a href=\"/discover/cities/boise-id?ref=card\" target=\"\"><span class=\"icon-location\"></span>\n<span class=\"location-name\">Boise, ID</span>\n</a></li>\n</ul>\n<div class=\"project-pledged-successful\">\n<strong>Successful!</strong>\n</div>\n<div class=\"project-pledged-wrap\" style=\"display: none;\">\n<div class=\"project-pledged\" style=\"width: 100%\"></div>\n</div>\n<ul class=\"project-stats\">\n<li class=\"first funded\">\n<strong>100%</strong>\nfunded\n</li>\n<li class=\"pledged\">\n<strong>$2,007</strong>\npledged\n</li>\n<li class=\"last successful\">\n<strong>Funded</strong>\n<div class=\"deadline\">\nMar 09, 2012\n</div>\n</li>\n<li class=\"last ksr_page_timer\" data-end_time=\"2012-03-09T09:04:47Z\" style=\"display: none;\">\n<strong>\n<div class=\"num\">&nbsp;</div>\n</strong>\n<div class=\"span text\" data-word=\"left\">&nbsp;</div>\n</li>\n</ul>\n\n</div>\n</div>\n"         }     ],     "categories": [],     "locations": [],     "header": "Projects matching \"asd\"" } 

Presuming you know exactly what project you want details on, you can get basic information but some amount of HTML parsing would still be needed.

Sorry for the lacking answer, but this may be of some use to someone.

Small Update

benrugg has listed a few other endpoints over in this comment on github.

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Prisoner Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09


Kickstarter does have an API, but it is currently private and undocumented. My guess is that they created it for their own internal use so they could have their website and iPhone app tie into the data in a unified way.

Although the API has not been publicly announced, it has been stable and working for quite a few months. With a valid Kickstarter user account, you can query their API for projects, categories, comments, rewards, etc.

The scraping library you mentioned is a Ruby gem that Mark Olson created and I've contributed to. Although this is clearly not the same as a public/documented API from Kickstarter, it's a good proof of concept that Kickstarter's current private API is usable. Here's a link to that library for the sake of documentation: https://github.com/markolson/kickscraper

Also, here is a wiki page showing our documentation of what the API returns when querying for projects: https://github.com/markolson/kickscraper/wiki/Project

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benrugg Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 23:09


Apparently they have an internal API that can be used from outside too. Of course is not documented and it's not official either, so I guess this could stop working any moment, but I think you might find this interesting:


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The Coding Monk Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 23:09

The Coding Monk