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does jquery have an equivalent of dojo.hitch()?



Forgive my ignorance as I am not as familiar with jquery. Is there an equivalent to dojo.hitch()? It returns a function that is guaranteed to be executed in the given scope.

-- edit -- As requested, here is an example. I use hitch very frequently to ensure callbacks are executed within the right object. For example, let's say I have a utility method called doSomethingAsync and I pass it a callback function. With hitch, I can make sure the function is executed within a particular scope even if the utility method performs ajax calls and so forth:

expectedScopeObj = {
   flag: true,
   callback: function(){console.debug(this.flag);},
   main: function() {
     // without hitch the callback function would not find flag  
     core.util.doSomethingAsync(dojo.hitch(this, this.callback));

Without hitch, the callback function could possibly be executed in a different scope and an error would be thrown with this.flag being undefined. However, with hitch it is guaranteed to be executed within execptedScopeObj.

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Lightbeard Avatar asked Jan 09 '10 22:01


3 Answers

I know this has been answered, but not correctly. jQuery.proxy is what you are looking for I believe.


Many, many years later after lots of JavaScript work, and after stripping out my usage of jQuery since browser compatibility has become less of an issue, I would recommend using Function.prototype.bind over jQuery.proxy, as @bobince suggested. While this is still the correct answer to the original question, I feel obligated to direct people to a vanilla solution rather than relying on jQuery.

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LordZardeck Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


[ADMIN EDIT: Note the much more popular answer, below.—danorton]

I'd go for function.bind, which will be the standard way of doing this in future versions of JavaScript. As well as fixing this , it allows you to pass arguments through to the target functions.

Until all browsers support it natively, you can hack support in yourself.

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bobince Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09


No. Not in 1.3.2, at least, as I don't know about 1.4. There are, however, some plugins:

(function($) {
  $.fn.hitch = function(ev, fn, scope) {
    return this.bind(ev, function() {
      return fn.apply(scope || this, Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments));
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Victor Nicollet Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 20:09

Victor Nicollet