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Does Java's foreach loop preserve order?




Does Java's foreach loop start at the first object and in a linear fashion work it's way to the end? For example

String[] names = new String[] {"Zoe", "Bob", "Charlie", "Alex"}; for(String name : names) {   //do stuff... } 

Is the string "Zoe" always processed first, followed by "Bob" etc? No sorting happens? I've tested it out myself and haven't found any but I need a guarantee and couldn't find anything in the docs.

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Celeritas Avatar asked Jan 26 '16 09:01


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1 Answers

Yes. The order is not changed. This applies to all types of collections of the Java Collection Framework implementing the iterator interface that is used by the for-loop. If you want to sort your Array, you can use Arrays.sort(names)

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Simulant Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10
