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Does having many dlls in your Windows Phone project affect performance?

I have an app that is slow to start. I assumed it was because of all the various controls on the first page, but even after I removed all the XAML (as an experiment), my start time wasn't reduced (or at least not perceptibly). I then noticed all the various assemblies getting loaded one by one in the output window.

Obviously, adding anything to a phone application (with its limited resources) is going to affect performance. But at what point will adding dlls start affecting start up performance? If you create a new app in Visual Studio, you'll have ten references automatically. How many more until you have a performance issue?

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Joel Shea Avatar asked Jun 24 '11 16:06

Joel Shea

1 Answers

I don't see how can just-references delay your start up time. Maybe you're actually using them (see for singletons or factories on your constructors, they tend to use more resources than expected ones).

Anyway I don't see a fix. You can not load assemblies on demand cause they must be signed and licensed by Windows Marketplace. (Assembly.Load is marked as SecurityCritical).

Are you trying on emulator or device?

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Erre Efe Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 12:10

Erre Efe