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Does google provide a test API key that I can use with Google Maps Javascript API?

Google provide a test API key for Google reCAPTCHA that can be used for automated testing etc. (https://developers.google.com/recaptcha/docs/faq).

Is there a similar test API key for Google Maps JavaScript API?


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plainflavour Avatar asked Feb 02 '16 14:02


People also ask

Can I get Google Map API key free?

As mentioned, you won't be charged for your Google Maps API usage until you turn on auto-billing. The free trial limits you to $300 in credit over 90 days. API users also get $200 of credit per month toward API requests, equal to 100,000 static map requests or around 28,000 dynamic map requests per month.

Is JavaScript Google Maps API free?

The Maps JavaScript API uses a pay-as-you-go pricing model. Maps JavaScript API requests generate calls to two different SKUs depending on the type of request: map loads or panoramas. JavaScript services are priced separately from JavaScript native SKUs.

Does Google Maps API key cost money?

API Keys is currently free of charge. If you are using Cloud Endpoints to manage your API, you might incur charges at high traffic volumes. See the Endpoints pricing and quotas page for more information. 240 API calls per minute.

1 Answers

Google Maps JavaScript API
How to get a key

Create an API key: Credentials

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Thomas Orlita Avatar answered Oct 28 '22 03:10

Thomas Orlita