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Does Gitorious have hooks for CIA commit notification?

As I am running out of my space on GitHub on my free account (yes, I am considering upgrading), I am setting up new git repositories on Gitorious (see also GitHub vs Gitorious). One great feature of GitHub is the post-commit hooks, that allow me to notify the (also great) CIA network...

However, I have been unable to find if Gitorious supports such hooks... So, I'd like to ask best practices for getting commit messages show up on the CIA network for Gitorious-hosted git repositories.

Update: the solution of using a secondary mechanism to trigger CIA commit messages is not what I am looking for.

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Egon Willighagen Avatar asked Dec 16 '09 10:12

Egon Willighagen

1 Answers

Gitorious is getting web hook support. It is currently running on gitorious.org, but without a UI for adding them to your repository; the reason for this is that there still may be a change or two to the JSON representation of the commit data exposed, so it should be configured a beta feature.

Anyone feeling up to writing integration code (handling gitorious' web hook requests), please send an email to support at gitorious.org and we'll set up the integration for your repository

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zmalltalker Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 09:10
