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Does Ember.js support loading external file view templates?



I'm new to Ember/Sproutcore... From what i could find in SproutCore documentation, SC.TemplateView supports loading handlebar template from external files. Does this functionality exist in Ember?

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pandavault Avatar asked Dec 23 '11 11:12


1 Answers

As other answers have mentioned, your build tool is the key to achieving this. The following StackOverflow question shows how to do this using Rake::Pipeline Setting up rake-pipeline for use with handlebars alongside Google App Engine

Regarding BPM vs. Rake::Pipeline: At the moment, the Ember.js core team is using Rake::Pipeline in their production projects. The authors of BPM have expressed interest in getting back to it, but no one is actively developing it as far as I know. That said, it's a great tool, and we're currently using it on a project.

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Luke Melia Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 17:10

Luke Melia