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Does Drupal comply with the MVC paradigm?

Drupal is frequently referred as a Content Management Framework, does it comply with the MVC paradigm? If it does, how Drupal implements MVC?


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wassimans Avatar asked Dec 11 '10 19:12


People also ask

Is MVC pattern still used?

The concept of MVCs was first introduced by Trygve Reenskaug, who proposed it as a way to develop desktop application GUIs. Today the MVC pattern is used for modern web applications because it allows the application to be scalable, maintainable, and easy to expand.

What is MVC paradigm?

The MVC paradigm divides the logic of a web application into three distinct areas, or concerns: model, view, and controller. In practice, each concern comprises multiple components and files. A typical MVC application contains a number of model classes, view templates, and controller classes.

What were the major problems with MVC framework?

Major drawbacks of MVC in react js include manipulation of DOM which is very expensive and also at the cost of time and memory wastage. For implementing MVC, knowledge of multiple languages and technologies is required which requires enormous manpower having different expertise.

What languages use MVC?

The MVC pattern is widely used in program development with programming languages such as Java, Smalltalk, C, and C++.

1 Answers

No, Drupal follows the PAC (Presentation-Abstraction-Control) model rather than MVC. There is an excellent blog post explaining this at Larry Garfield's site.

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marcvangend Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
