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Does Drupal 7 have a better way of managing development changes than Drupal 6?

So one hassle of Drupal 6 is that it's tough to move changes from a development server to a test or staging server to a production server.

Has this been made easier in Drupal 7? Is there some coding conventions module developers are suppose to follow now. So a developer can easily separate content and configuration and only move configuration between dev, test, and prod?

Is the recommended advice to still use the Features module?

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Tobias Avatar asked Feb 23 '11 16:02


People also ask

What is difference between Drupal 7 and Drupal 9?

In short, unlike Drupal 7 and D8, Drupal 9 will be able to use modules, customisations, and data created in Drupal 8. The Drupal community focuses on breaking code rather than data to keep Drupal fast, simple to update, clutter-free, and up-to-date.

Is Drupal 7 outdated?

So Drupal 7 was given another year of grace. This is because, even though Drupal 7 is outdated – it was first released in January 2011 – it is still very much in use. Many websites, including government departments, educational institutions and multinationals, are still on Drupal 7.

Why is Drupal 7 end of life?

Why Are We Upgrading to 9 Instead of 8? Drupal 8 reached end of life on November 2, 2021. While the Drupal 7 date was pushed out an extra year due to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic, Drupal 8's end of life was driven by the end of support for Symfony 3 and could not be changed.

How long is Drupal 7 supported?

Drupal 7 community support is provided until November 2023 This means Drupal 7 will be supported throughout Drupal 9's life.

1 Answers

To the best of my knowledge, there are no additional features in Drupal 7 that specifically address the deployment issues. Features will probably continue to be the best solution to that set of issues, for some time. However, some of the new features in Drupal 7 such as entities and fields in core may make it easier, when creating a module, to expose its configuration data to Features.

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Matt V. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 17:09

Matt V.