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Does Django password_reset support html email templates?




It seems to me django only supports plain text messages for password reset emails out of the box. How can I use html templates for this purpose?

like image 752
Sergei Basharov Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 11:11

Sergei Basharov

2 Answers

HTML Password Reset Email with Images in Django 3.0+


  1. Create three templates:
    • password_reset_email.html
    • password_reset_email.txt
    • password_reset_subject.txt
  2. Override django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm by creating a subclass.
  3. Override the arguments for PasswordResetForm.save() to point to your custom templates.
  4. Override PasswordResetForm.send_email() if you want to embed images in the HTML email.
  5. Set django.contrib.auth.views.PasswordResetView.form_class to use your new PasswordResetForm subclass.

1. Create three templates

  • In your Django templates directory, create a sub-directory named "registration".
  • Under "templates/registration" add three templates:
    • password_reset_email.html
    • password_reset_email.txt
    • password_reset_subject.txt
  • The HTML email template should be a well-structured HTML document. See example below.
  • The "*.txt" template should just be a plain template (no HTML). See example below.

Example password_reset_email.html

{% autoescape off %}
<!DOCTYPE html>

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1"/>

        <title>Password Reset</title>

        <style type="text/css">
            body {
                background-color: #ffffff;
                font-size: 14px;
                line-height: 16px;
                font-family: PTSansRegular,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
                height: 100%;
                margin: 0;
                padding: 0;
                border: 0;
                outline: 0;

            a.button {
                background-color: #007bff;
                border-color: #007bff;
                border-radius: 5px;
                color: #ffffff;
                cursor: pointer;
                display: inline-block;
                font-size: 15px;
                line-height: 18px;
                font-weight: bold;
                font-family: PTSansRegular,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
                padding: 7px;
                text-align: center;
                text-decoration: none;
                white-space: nowrap;
                width: 150px;

            .center {
                text-align: center

            .container {
                min-height: 100%;
                min-width: 650px;
                position: relative;
                width: 100%;

            p {

            table {
                margin: auto;

            td {
                padding-right: 14px;
                padding-left: 14px;


    <div class="container">

    <!-- BEGIN EMAIL -->
    <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
            <p>Hello {{ user.get_username }},</p>

            <p>A request has been received to change the password for your account.</p>

            <p class="center">
                <a target="_blank" class="button"
                        href="{{ protocol }}://{{ domain }}{% url 'password_reset_confirm' uidb64=uid token=token %}">
                    Reset Password

            <p>This link can only be used once. If you need to reset your password again, please visit
            <a href="{{ protocol }}://{{domain}}">{{ site_name }}</a> and request another reset.</p>

            <p>If you did not make this request, please contact us immediately at
            <a href="mailto: YOUR_SUPPORT_EMAIL">YOUR_SUPPORT_EMAIL</a>.</p>

            <p>The YOUR_COMPANY_NAME Team</p>
    <!-- END EMAIL -->

    <table class="spacer">
        <tr><td class="spacer">&nbsp;</td></tr>

    <!-- BEGIN FOOTER -->
    <table align="center">
                <p class="center"><img src="cid:logo" /></p>
            <td class="center">YOUR_ADDRESS_AND_OR_COPYRIGHT</td>
    <!-- END FOOTER -->

{% endautoescape %}

Example password_reset_email.txt

{% autoescape off %}
Hello {{ user.get_username }},

A request has been received to change the password for your account. Click the link below to reset your password.

{{ protocol }}://{{ domain }}{% url 'password_reset_confirm' uidb64=uid token=token %}">

This link can only be used once. If you need to reset your password again, please visit
{{ protocol }}://{{domain}}">{{ site_name }} and request another reset.

If you did not make this request, please contact us immediately at YOUR_SUPPORT_EMAIL.



{% endautoescape %}

2. Override django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm

  • In your Django app directory, create a module named "forms.py".
  • Create a subclass of django.contrib.auth.forms.PasswordResetForm and override the save() method.

Example: forms.py

class CustomPasswordResetForm(PasswordResetForm):
    """Override the default Django password-reset form to send the password reset 
    email using both HTML and plain text.

    def save(
        domain_override: Optional[str] = None,
        subject_template_name: str = PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE,
        email_template_name: str = PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE,
        use_https: Optional[bool] = None,
        token_generator: PasswordResetTokenGenerator = default_token_generator,
        from_email: Optional[str] = FROM_EMAIL,
        request: Optional[WSGIRequest] = None,
        html_email_template_name: Optional[str] = PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE,
        extra_email_context: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Generate a one-use only link for resetting password and email it to 
        the user.

            domain_override: Optional; Domain name to use in the email message 
                template that overrides the actual domain from which the email is 
                sent. Defaults to None.
            subject_template_name: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden 
                by the global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE``.
            email_template_name: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden by 
                the global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE``.
            use_https: Optional; If True, use HTTPS, otherwise use HTTP. Defaults 
                to False. Note that if the password reset HTTP request is received 
                via HTTPS, `use_https` will be set to True by the auth view.
            token_generator: Optional; Strategy object used to generate and check 
                tokens for the password reset mechanism. Defaults to an instance 
                of ``django.contrib.auth.tokens.PasswordResetTokenGenerator``.
            from_email: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden by the 
                global variable``FROM_EMAIL``.
            request: Optional; The HttpRequest object. Defaults to None.
            html_email_template_name: Warning: this argument is overridden by the 
                global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE``.
            extra_email_context: Optional; Key-value pairs to add to the context 
                dictionary used to render the password reset email templates. 
                    Defaults to None.
        email_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE
        from_email = FROM_EMAIL
        html_email_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE
        subject_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE

        email = self.cleaned_data["email"]
        if not domain_override:
            current_site = get_current_site(request)
            site_name = current_site.name
            domain = current_site.domain
            site_name = domain = domain_override
        UserModel = get_user_model()
        email_field_name = UserModel.get_email_field_name()  # type: ignore

        for user in self.get_users(email):
            user_email = getattr(user, email_field_name)
            context = {
                'email': user_email,
                'domain': domain,
                'site_name': site_name,
                'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk)),
                'user': user,
                'token': token_generator.make_token(user),
                'protocol': 'https' if use_https else 'http',
                **(extra_email_context or {}),

                subject_template_name = subject_template_name,
                email_template_name = email_template_name,
                context = context,
                from_email = from_email,
                to_email = user_email,
                html_email_template_name = html_email_template_name

3. Override the arguments for PasswordResetForm.save() to point to your custom templates.

  • In your "forms.py" module, add global variables as follows:

Example forms.py

from typing import Final

# Constants for sending password-reset emails.
LOGO_FILE_PATH: Final[str] = "img/logo.png"
LOGO_CID_NAME: Final[str] = "logo"
PASSWORD_RESET_FORM_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_form.html"
PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_email.html"
PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_email.txt"
PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_subject.txt"

4. Override PasswordResetForm.send_email() if you want to embed images in the HTML email.

Example: forms.py

def get_as_mime_image(image_file_path: str, cid_name: str) -> MIMEImage:
    """Fetch an image file and return it wrapped in a ``MIMEImage`` object for use 
    in emails.

    After the ``MIMEImage`` has been attached to an email, reference the image in 
    the HTML using the Content ID.


    If the CID name is "logo", then the HTML reference would be:

    <img src="cid:logo" />

        image_file_path: The path of the image. The path must be findable by the 
            Django staticfiles app.
        cid_name: The Content-ID name to use within the HTML email body to 
            reference the image.

        FileNotFoundError: If the image file cannot be found by the staticfiles app.

        MIMEImage: The image wrapped in a ``MIMEImage`` object and the Content ID 
        set to ``cid_name``.
    paths = finders.find(image_file_path)
    if paths is None:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"{image_file_path} not found in static files")

    if isinstance(paths, list):
        final_path = paths[0]
        final_path = paths
    with open(final_path, 'rb') as f:
        image_data = f.read()

    mime_image = MIMEImage(image_data)
    mime_image.add_header("Content-ID", f"<{cid_name}>")
    return mime_image

class CustomPasswordResetForm(PasswordResetForm):
    """Override the default Django password-reset form to send the password reset email using both HTML and plain text.
    def send_mail(
        subject_template_name: str,
        email_template_name: str,
        context: Dict[str, str],
        from_email: Optional[str],
        to_email: str,
        html_email_template_name: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Send a ``django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives`` to ``to_email``.

        This method also attaches the company logo, which can be added to the 
        email HTML template using:

        <img src="cid:logo" />

            subject_template_name: Path of the template to use as the email 
            email_template_name: Path of the template to use for the plain text 
                email body.
            context: A context dictionary to use when rendering the password reset 
                email templates.
            from_email: The From email address.
            to_email: The To email address.
            html_email_template_name: Optional; Path of the template to use for 
                the HTML email body. Defaults to None.
        subject = loader.render_to_string(subject_template_name, context)
        # Email subject *must not* contain newlines
        subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines())
        body = loader.render_to_string(email_template_name, context)

        email_message = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, body, 
                                               from_email=from_email, to=[to_email],
        if html_email_template_name is not None:
            html_email = loader.render_to_string(html_email_template_name, context)
            email_message.attach_alternative(html_email, 'text/html')
            email_message.mixed_subtype = "related"
            mime_image = get_as_mime_image(image_file_path=LOGO_FILE_PATH, cid_name=LOGO_CID_NAME)
            email_message.attach(mime_image)  # type: ignore


5. Set django.contrib.auth.views.PasswordResetView.form_class to use your new PasswordResetForm subclass.

Django urls.py file

from django.contrib.auth import views

from your_app.forms import CustomPasswordResetForm

views.PasswordResetView.form_class = CustomPasswordResetForm

urlpatterns = [
    path('', home_view, name='home'),
    path('accounts/', include('django.contrib.auth.urls')),

Complete forms.py

"""Module that overrides the default Django password reset functionality by 
sending emails containing both plain text as well as HTML along with the company logo.

from email.mime.image import MIMEImage
from typing import Dict, Final, Optional

from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model
from django.contrib.auth.forms import PasswordResetForm
from django.contrib.auth.tokens import default_token_generator, PasswordResetTokenGenerator
from django.contrib.sites.shortcuts import get_current_site
from django.contrib.staticfiles import finders
from django.core.handlers.wsgi import WSGIRequest
from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives
from django.template import loader
from django.utils.encoding import force_bytes
from django.utils.http import urlsafe_base64_encode

# Constants for sending password-reset emails.
LOGO_FILE_PATH: Final[str] = "img/logo.png"
LOGO_CID_NAME: Final[str] = "logo"
PASSWORD_RESET_FORM_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_form.html"
PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_email.html"
PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_email.txt"
PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE: Final[str] = "registration/password_reset_subject.txt"

def get_as_mime_image(image_file_path: str, cid_name: str) -> MIMEImage:
    """Fetch an image file and return it wrapped in a ``MIMEImage`` object for use 
    in emails.

    After the ``MIMEImage`` has been attached to an email, reference the image in 
    the HTML using the Content ID.


    If the CID name is "logo", then the HTML reference would be:

    <img src="cid:logo" />

        image_file_path: The path of the image. The path must be findable by the 
            Django staticfiles app.
        cid_name: The Content-ID name to use within the HTML email body to 
            reference the image.

        FileNotFoundError: If the image file cannot be found by the staticfiles app.

        MIMEImage: The image wrapped in a ``MIMEImage`` object and the Content ID 
        set to ``cid_name``.
    paths = finders.find(image_file_path)
    if paths is None:
        raise FileNotFoundError(f"{image_file_path} not found in static files")

    if isinstance(paths, list):
        final_path = paths[0]
        final_path = paths
    with open(final_path, 'rb') as f:
        image_data = f.read()

    mime_image = MIMEImage(image_data)
    mime_image.add_header("Content-ID", f"<{cid_name}>")
    return mime_image

class CustomPasswordResetForm(PasswordResetForm):
    """Override the default Django password-reset form to send the password reset email using both HTML and plain text.
    def send_mail(
        subject_template_name: str,
        email_template_name: str,
        context: Dict[str, str],
        from_email: Optional[str],
        to_email: str,
        html_email_template_name: Optional[str] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Send a ``django.core.mail.EmailMultiAlternatives`` to ``to_email``.

        This method also attaches the company logo, which can be added to the 
        email HTML template using:

        <img src="cid:logo" />

            subject_template_name: Path of the template to use as the email 
            email_template_name: Path of the template to use for the plain text 
                email body.
            context: A context dictionary to use when rendering the password reset 
                email templates.
            from_email: The From email address.
            to_email: The To email address.
            html_email_template_name: Optional; Path of the template to use for 
                the HTML email body. Defaults to None.
        subject = loader.render_to_string(subject_template_name, context)
        # Email subject *must not* contain newlines
        subject = ''.join(subject.splitlines())
        body = loader.render_to_string(email_template_name, context)

        email_message = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, body, 
                                               from_email=from_email, to=[to_email],
        if html_email_template_name is not None:
            html_email = loader.render_to_string(html_email_template_name, context)
            email_message.attach_alternative(html_email, 'text/html')
            email_message.mixed_subtype = "related"
            mime_image = get_as_mime_image(image_file_path=LOGO_FILE_PATH, cid_name=LOGO_CID_NAME)
            email_message.attach(mime_image)  # type: ignore


    def save(
        domain_override: Optional[str] = None,
        subject_template_name: str = PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE,
        email_template_name: str = PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE,
        use_https: Optional[bool] = None,
        token_generator: PasswordResetTokenGenerator = default_token_generator,
        from_email: Optional[str] = FROM_EMAIL,
        request: Optional[WSGIRequest] = None,
        html_email_template_name: Optional[str] = PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE,
        extra_email_context: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = None
    ) -> None:
        """Generate a one-use only link for resetting password and email it to 
        the user.

            domain_override: Optional; Domain name to use in the email message 
                template that overrides the actual domain from which the email is 
                sent. Defaults to None.
            subject_template_name: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden 
                by the global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE``.
            email_template_name: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden by 
                the global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE``.
            use_https: Optional; If True, use HTTPS, otherwise use HTTP. Defaults 
                to False. Note that if the password reset HTTP request is received 
                via HTTPS, `use_https` will be set to True by the auth view.
            token_generator: Optional; Strategy object used to generate and check 
                tokens for the password reset mechanism. Defaults to an instance 
                of ``django.contrib.auth.tokens.PasswordResetTokenGenerator``.
            from_email: Optional; Warning: this argument is overridden by the 
                global variable``FROM_EMAIL``.
            request: Optional; The HttpRequest object. Defaults to None.
            html_email_template_name: Warning: this argument is overridden by the 
                global variable ``PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE``.
            extra_email_context: Optional; Key-value pairs to add to the context 
                dictionary used to render the password reset email templates. 
                    Defaults to None.
        email_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_TEXT_TEMPLATE
        from_email = FROM_EMAIL
        html_email_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_HTML_TEMPLATE
        subject_template_name = PASSWORD_RESET_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE

        email = self.cleaned_data["email"]
        if not domain_override:
            current_site = get_current_site(request)
            site_name = current_site.name
            domain = current_site.domain
            site_name = domain = domain_override
        UserModel = get_user_model()
        email_field_name = UserModel.get_email_field_name()  # type: ignore

        for user in self.get_users(email):
            user_email = getattr(user, email_field_name)
            context = {
                'email': user_email,
                'domain': domain,
                'site_name': site_name,
                'uid': urlsafe_base64_encode(force_bytes(user.pk)),
                'user': user,
                'token': token_generator.make_token(user),
                'protocol': 'https' if use_https else 'http',
                **(extra_email_context or {}),

                subject_template_name = subject_template_name,
                email_template_name = email_template_name,
                context = context,
                from_email = from_email,
                to_email = user_email,
                html_email_template_name = html_email_template_name
like image 56
Christopher Peisert Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 13:10

Christopher Peisert

Here is the simple approach worked for me. Add our custom template path in such a way worked for me.

path('users/password/reset/', password_reset, {'html_email_template_name': 'registration/password_reset_email.html'},name='password_reset'),

like image 24
Sathish Kumar Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 14:10

Sathish Kumar