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Does d3 have api which similar with jQuery.closest(selector)?

DOM like this:


I didn't find the closest API: https://github.com/mbostock/d3/wiki/API-Reference

How can I get the nearest matched elements from it's parent? Just like this:

var module = d3.select(".control").closest(".module");
like image 259
Kris Zhang Avatar asked Aug 22 '13 08:08

Kris Zhang

3 Answers

If your DOM is really that specific example, you can select parent nodes with D3 as noted in their docs here:

You can see the parent node of each group by inspecting the parentNode property of each group array, such as selection[0].parentNode.

So in your case, var module = d3.select(".control").parentNode; should work.

like image 61
edhenn Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


Browsers now have closest method on DOM node:


and similar code to @JayB with this method:

d3.selection.prototype.closest = function(selector) {
  var arr = [];
  this.each(function() {
  return d3.selectAll(arr);

that allow to use just: rect.closest('svg');

the only problem is that it's not supported by IE

like image 44
jcubic Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10


You could add "closest" to the d3 selection prototype like this:

d3.selection.prototype.closest = function(selector){ 
            var closestMatch = undefined;
            var matchArr = [];
                var elm = this;
                while(typeof elm.parentNode.matches === "function" && !closestMatch){
                    elm = elm.parentNode;
                        closestMatch = elm;
                closestMatch = undefined;
            return d3.selectAll(matchArr);
like image 31
JayB Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 12:10
