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Does container.clear() free/reallocate internal buffers?




If I have a container and call clear() on it, does that just destruct all of the elements inside or does it actually free/allocate new memory internally too? Is this behavior outside the scope of the C++ standard?

This boils down to:

unordered_set<int> mySet { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 };

//Is this pointless/redundant
//or should I treat my container like it was just constructed?

A quick test on ideone (http://ideone.com/XQi8IT) shows that the internal memory buffer is retained after a call to clear. So, at least for new versions of g++ on unordered_set that is the case. My question goes to 1) what the standard says, if anything and 2) whether this behavior is consistent across all containers.

like image 218
Mark Avatar asked Jan 22 '15 19:01


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1 Answers

It's unspecified with what happens to the memory. It just defines the following requirements:

For sequence containers we have the following requirements for clear():

[C++11 §23.2.3] Table 100

Destroys all elements in a. Invalidates all references, pointers, and iterators referring to the elements of a and may invalidate the past-the-end iterator.

post: a.empty() returns true

Which doesn't really mention anything about memory. For associate containers we have this requirement for clear():

[C++11 §23.2.4] Table 102


Which leads to erase(...) requirements which are:

erases the element pointed to by q. Returns an iterator pointing to the element immediately following q prior to the element being erased. If no such element exists, returns a.end()

Which again, mentions nothing about the capacity of the memory buffer of the container. Then we have unordered associate containers which have similar wording:

[C++11 §23.2.5] Table 103

Erases all elements in the container. Post: a.empty() returns true

Overall, the standard doesn't mention anything happens to the internal memory buffers after clear. So that's unspecified behaviour that could vary amongst different implementations.

Since reserve is not available in all containers (which does change the capacity) and neither is the next best thing (shrink_to_fit) there doesn't seem to be a good way to consistently clear out the internal memory of a container.

like image 71
Rapptz Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 21:09
