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Does constantly checking the documentation make you a bad coder?



When writing PHP code for any given project, do you find you can write code off the top of your head? Or do you make multiple round trips to php.net? If it is the later, can you still be considered a good coder. This is a legitimate question as I find I have difficulty always remembering all of the functions that are available to me so I find I use php.net as a crutch. Is there anyway to improve this?

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Chuck Burgess Avatar asked Mar 08 '10 20:03

Chuck Burgess

People also ask

What is the main problem with code documentation?

There isn't a step-by-step process to follow. Code is often arranged in non-linear order, so you can't simply proceed line-by-line through it. There's also the question of how much to document, what to cover, and where to include the documentation.

What makes code bad?

The Main Signs of Bad Codeit is difficult to make sense of it; it has unnecessary iterations and complexities; the function name is unclear to show the task it solves; if complemented with something, code can become inoperable.

2 Answers

The same as any language (computer or otherwise) - the more you use it, the better you get.

An issue with PHP is the unpredictability of function names and arguments.

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Rich Bradshaw Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 08:09

Rich Bradshaw

Being a good coder doesn't exclusively mean that you know everything off the top of your head. Most of being a good coder is knowing how to approach problems and solve them. I've been writing PHP for 7 years now and regularly find myself consulting the manual. Sure, I don't check it as often as I used to, but with a language as large as PHP (and with as many inconsistencies), it'll always be necessary to check the documentation. As with anything, over time you will remember more and more.

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Steven Mercatante Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 08:09

Steven Mercatante