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Does C# pass a List<T> to a method by reference or as a copy? [duplicate]


Taking my first steps in C# world from C/C++, so a bit hazy in details. Classes, as far as I understood, are passed by reference by default, but what about eg. List<string> like in:

void DoStuff(List<string> strs) {     //do stuff with the list of strings } 

and elsewhere

List<string> sl = new List<string>(); //next fill list in a loop etc. and then do stuff with it: DoStuff(sl); 

Is sl in this case passed by reference or is a copy made so that I'd need to redefine the worker function like

void DoStuff(ref List<string> strs)
to actually act on sl itself and not a copy?
like image 704
Scre Avatar asked May 06 '14 09:05


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2 Answers

It's passed by reference. List<T> is a class, and all class instances are passed by reference.

like image 88
Adrian Ratnapala Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 00:10

Adrian Ratnapala

The behaviour is always the same: Passing by copying. In case the parameter is an object, the reference to the object is copied, so in fact you are working on the same object/list/whatever.

like image 27
Alexander Reifinger Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Alexander Reifinger