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Does ASP.Net Core 1.0 support WebForm projects

Does ASP.Net Core 1.0 support .Net WebForm projects? Or it is an MVC only environment? Also can I create classic web services(asmx) there?

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George Huang Avatar asked Feb 10 '16 21:02

George Huang

People also ask

Does ASP.NET Core support webforms?

ASP.NET Web Forms isn't supported in ASP.NET Core (nor are ASP.NET Web Pages). Typically, the functionality of these pages must be rewritten when porting to ASP.NET Core. There are, however, some strategies you can apply before or during such migration to help reduce the overall effort required.

Is ASP.NET Web Forms still supported?

ASP.NET Web Forms is no longer an option for new development. It's shunned but not dead — supported as a legacy product, but finally exiled from the future of . NET.

How long will ASP.NET Web Forms be supported?

"Support for . NET 4.8 follows the Lifecycle Policy of the parent OS," Microsoft says, which means at least until 1 September 2029 (end of support for Windows Server 2019), and in practice later than that since the company will continue to ship .

2 Answers

Short answer: No, ASP.NET Core does not contain Web Forms or Web Services.

Long answer: Depends on your meaning of "support". If you aim to run ASP.NET Core project on top of CoreCLR and CoreFX, then the answer is no: ASP.NET Core will contain support only for MVC ja Web API -projects (which are the same thing in ASP.NET Core).

If you can run on full .NET Framework, then ASP.NET Web Forms can co-exist with ASP.NET Core. The Web Forms will be the same Web Forms they are today on System.Web. In this scenario you would host your web forms in a different project (normal ASP.NET 4.x application) on IIS and ASP.NET Core would live in it's own application on Kestrel.

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Sami Poimala Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 15:10

Sami Poimala

A need to use .NET technologies not available for .NET Core

Some .NET Framework technologies are not available in .NET Core. Some of them will be available in later .NET Core releases, but others don’t apply to the new application patterns targeted by .NET Core and may never be available. The following list shows the most common technologies not found in .NET Core 1.0:

ASP.NET Web Forms applications: ASP.NET Web Forms is only available on the .NET Framework, so you cannot use ASP.NET Core / .NET Core for this scenario. Currently there are no plans to bring ASP.NET Web Forms to .NET Core.

ASP.NET Web Pages applications: ASP.NET Web Pages are not included in ASP.NET Core 1.0, although it is planned to be included in a future release as explained in the .NET Core roadmap.

ASP.NET SignalR server/client implementation. At .NET Core 1.0 release timeframe (June 2016), ASP.NET SignalR is not available for ASP.NET Core (neither client or server), although it is planned to be included in a future release as explained in the .NET Core roadmap. Preview state is available at the Server-side and Client Library GitHub repositories.

WCF services implementation. Even when there’s a WCF-Client library to consume WCF services from .NET Core, as of June 2016, WCF server implementation is only available on the .NET Framework. This scenario is not part of the current plan for .NET Core but it’s being considered for the future.

Workflow related services: Windows Workflow Foundation (WF), Workflow Services (WCF + WF in a single service) and WCF Data Services (formerly known as “ADO.NET Data Services”) are only available on the .NET Framework and there are no plans to bring them to .NET Core.

Language support: Visual Basic and F# don’t currently have tooling support .NET Core, but both will be supported in Visual Studio 2017 and later versions of Visual Studio.

source Choosing between .net Core and .net Framework

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Nouman Bhatti Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 17:10

Nouman Bhatti