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Does application.yml support environment variables?

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Can YAML use environment variables?

PY-yaml library doesn't resolve environment variables by default. You need to define an implicit resolver that will find the regex that defines an environment variable and execute a function to resolve it. You can do it through yaml.

What is application Yml used for?

YAML is a data serialization language that is often used for writing configuration files. So YAML configuration file in Spring Boot provides a very convenient syntax for storing logging configurations in a hierarchical format. The application.

Does environment variable override application properties?

Now, when your Spring Boot application starts, it will be given those environment variables, which will override your application. properties .

Which is more helpful application properties or application Yml?

As well as Java properties files, we can also use YAML-based configuration files in our Spring Boot application. YAML is a convenient format for specifying hierarchical configuration data. This can be more readable than its property file alternative since it does not contain repeated prefixes.

Try ${OPENSHIFT_DIY_PORT} (the usual Spring placeholder notation). See here for docs.

You even can add default value, if environment variable not provided:

    root: ${LOGGING_LEVEL_ROOT:info}