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Does anyone have or know where I can find a description of the Resharper Powertoys



Resharper has a bunch of powertoys, but no documentation that I can find on what they do and how to use them. Anyone have a source of this info?

  • CsUnit PowerToy-
  • Cyclomatic Complexity PowerToy
  • dotTrace 3.1 Integration PowerToy
  • ExploreTypeInterface PowerToy
  • FindText PowerToy
  • GenerateDispose PowerToy
  • LiveTemplatesMacro PowerToy
  • MakeMethodGeneric PowerToy
  • MenuItem PowerToy
  • OptionsPage PowerToy
  • ReflectorNavigator PowerToy
  • ZenCoding PowerToy
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Jesse McCulloch Avatar asked Aug 16 '10 22:08

Jesse McCulloch

2 Answers

  • Cyclomatic Complexity PowerToy - if you go to ReSharper options there is an option under Code Inspection for it. Although I set to as low as possible and I dont see ANY methods identified as being over the limit.

  • GenerateDispose PowerToy - Use Alt-Insert in a class and there is the option to generate the dispose method (I think its disabled automatically if class doesnt inherit/implement IDispoasble - but not sure about that)

  • ExploreTypeInterface PowerToy - have cursor in a symbol, go to the ReSharper menu and "Power Toys" option and then "Type Interface" and you will get a window showing the Interface for the TYPE of that symbol ie you are on a Integer variable you will see the interface for Integer type.

  • FindText PowerToy - go to the ReSharper menu and "Power Toys" option and then "Find Text..." and you will get a window to search for text.

those are the ones I've figured out so far, but only been playing this afternoon.

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MikeScott8 Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09



I'll update the docs to reflect what each one does. Most of them do pretty much what their name says. Any particular one you need more info on?


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Hadi Hariri Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 05:09

Hadi Hariri