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document.onload not working for me?



Well I'm simply playing around with a userscript of GreaseMonkey and here's just something simple I attempt to do;

function test() {
document.getElementById('elementhere').innerHTML = 'test';
document.onload = test();

It works if I go to the page I want to use it on and do "run" or "reload & run" - but it won't run automatically, which I'm trying to make it do by using document.onload.

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prk Avatar asked Sep 23 '13 13:09


2 Answers

What you need is:

window.onload = function () {
// do the work after everything was loaded (DOM, media elements)

document.onload it doesn't exist. It works if you at least target some specific element from document for example:

document.querySelector("img").onload = function ()
 {// do your thing after 'img' was loaded}

You have other options if you want to execute some code after the DOM is the only element ready without wait for media elements to load like:

  • Import an async script tag loading the file with the code: You can place this tag wherever you want in DOM and it will not interrupt nothing, will load after the DOM finish to load. you should take a look to MDN documentation about that.

  • If you take a look again in MDN documentation they will recommend you in section Notes to use DOMContentLoaded and DOMFrameContentLoaded events which can be handling by addEventListener. So, if you do this:

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', handlerFunc);

Will work for you.

I hope this can be helpful for you...

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Abraham Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 15:09


When you write document.onload = test(), you are calling the test function, and assigning its return value to the onload handler. This is clearly not what you intended.

document.onload = test;

This will assign a reference to the test function to the onload handler. When the event fires, that is when your function will be called.

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Niet the Dark Absol Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 15:09

Niet the Dark Absol