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DocumentDb Emulator not working - Service Unavailable

I'm experiencing some problems while using the DocumentDB Emulator (v. I'm able to see the Explorer (https://localhost:8081/_explorer/index.html) but I cannot create any Database\Collection using either the Explorer and the SDK (I tried with the sample code provided by that page and my own code).

I always get:

    {"readyState":4,"responseText":"{\"code\":\"ServiceUnavailable\",\"message\":\"Service is currently unavailable.\\r\\nActivityId: 9c9f56f8-91f9-4fad-b592-0c6bd5bbd300\"}","responseJSON":{"code":"ServiceUnavailable","message":"Service is currently unavailable.\r\nActivityId: 9c9f56f8-91f9-4fad-b592-0c6bd5bbd300"},

I'm running Windows 10. I already tried to restart the PC and reinstall the SDK\Emulator.

like image 827
Martino Bordin Avatar asked Apr 23 '17 10:04

Martino Bordin

Video Answer

2 Answers

To fix this I had to perform a "Reset Data" on the Emulator. This is probably due to some issue around updating from DocumentDb to Cosmo Db emulator.

like image 129
Tomas Andersson Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10

Tomas Andersson

Microsoft Support answer:

The failure is when the emulator tries to bring up the network stack. We have seen this on some customer machines where 3rd network filter drivers break some of the Windows networking APIs that we use. Examples of these include drivers installed by Pulse Secure (or Juniper network). I think we’ve also seen this type of failure with some 3rd party antivirus products.

Typically uninstalling the 3rd party software should resolve the issue.

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Martino Bordin Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 23:10

Martino Bordin