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Documentation for PyTorch .to('cpu') or .to('cuda')




I've searched through the PyTorch documenation, but can't find anything for .to() which moves a tensor to CPU or CUDA memory.

I remember seeing somewhere that calling to() on a nn.Module is an in-place operation, but not so on a tensor.

Is there a in-place version for Tensors?

Where do I find the doco for to() for both nn.Module and Tensor (and possibly elsewhere)?

like image 490
Tom Hale Avatar asked Dec 01 '18 11:12

Tom Hale

People also ask

What does CPU () do in PyTorch?

cpu() moves it back to memory accessible to the CPU. But after doing tensor. cpu() when I check the device of tensor using tensor. device it gives the original cuda:0 where it was before moving to cpu.

Does PyTorch use GPU or CPU?

Torch CUDA Package In PyTorch, the torch. cuda package has additional support for CUDA tensor types, that implement the same function as CPU tensors, but they utilize GPUs for computation. If you want a tensor to be on GPU you can call . cuda().

What does cuda () to PyTorch?

torch. cuda is used to set up and run CUDA operations. It keeps track of the currently selected GPU, and all CUDA tensors you allocate will by default be created on that device. The selected device can be changed with a torch.

2 Answers

You already found the documentation! great.

.to is not an in-place operation for tensors. However, if no movement is required it returns the same tensor.

In [10]: a = torch.rand(10)

In [11]: b = a.to(torch.device("cuda"))

In [12]: b is a
Out[12]: False

In [18]: c = b.to(torch.device("cuda"))

In [19]: c is b
Out[19]: True

Since b is already on gpu and hence no change is done and c is b results in True.

However, for models, it is an in-place operation which also returns a model.

In [8]: import torch
In [9]: model = torch.nn.Sequential (torch.nn.Linear(10,10))

In [10]: model_new = model.to(torch.device("cuda"))
In [11]: model_new is model
Out[11]: True

It makes sense to keep it in-place for models as parameters of the model need to be moved to another device and not model object. For tensor, it seems new object is created.

like image 158
Umang Gupta Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 20:10

Umang Gupta

I'm still learning to navigate the documentation site (the search isn't great).

Here's what I found:


The tensor version either returns:

  • self if the tensor is in the target format already, or,
  • a copy of the tensor in the target format

There is no in-place version listed.


The documentation implies that this is an in-place operation:

Moves and/or casts the parameters and buffers.

like image 26
Tom Hale Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 19:10

Tom Hale