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Doctrine2 Insert and retrieve new insert ID

In Doctrine2 using some thing like:

$user = array('username' => 'example', 'passsword' => 'changeme');  $conn->insert('users', $user); 

How would I then get the last ID of the user I just inserted? If it is not possible to do this then how do you gen a id so that you can the following:

$id = //something here. $user = array('username' => 'example', 'passsword' => 'changeme', 'id' => $id); $conn->insert('users', $user); 
like image 833
NimmoNet Avatar asked Aug 24 '11 09:08


1 Answers

If you are using the ORM

$em->persist($object); $em->flush(); $object->getId(); 

if you are using the DBAL:



like image 197
Flask Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 05:10
