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Doctrine2 findBy relationship object triggers string conversion error


Say I have two entities in Doctrine2 that are related to each other, Models\User and Models\Comment. If I do this in Doctrine 2.0.0...

<?php // $em instanceof EntityManager, $user instanceof Models\User $comments = $em->getRepository('Models\Comment')     ->findBy(array('user' => $user, 'public' => true)); 

...I get a PHP error:

Severity: Notice

Message: Object of class Models\User to string conversion

Filename: DBAL/Connection.php

Line Number: 574

This shouldn't happen, right? If I use the QueryBuilder and setParameter('user', $user) it works as expected.

like image 939
pdd Avatar asked Jan 06 '11 19:01


1 Answers

Query by relationship is allowed, but you have to pass the Identifier in there. Query by object is not yet supported and will only make it into 2.1.

<?php // $em instanceof EntityManager, $user instanceof Models\User $comments = $em->getRepository('Models\Comment') ->findBy(array('user' => $user->getId(), 'public' => true)); 
like image 96
beberlei Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 21:10
