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Doctrine fetch join

First I will give an example with some pseudo code and then I will explain what is the problem. Let me say I have two entities User and Phonenumber. Their relation is one-to-many. In my UserRepository I can have something like that:

class UserRepository
    public function getUser($id, $type)
        $users = $this->createQuery("SELECT u, p FROM User u JOIN u.phonenumbers p
            WHERE u.id = :id AND p.type = :type")
                'id' => $id,
                'type' => $type,
        return $users[0];

In my app if I have something like:

$user = $userRepo->getUser(1, 'home');
var_dump($user->getPhonenumbers()); // here phonenumbers collection is ok

$user = $userRepo->getUser(1, 'work');
var_dump($user->getPhonenumbers()); // Here phonenumbers collection is wrong.
                                // It's exactly the same as the previous one.

So my questions is: Is it possible to use fetch join (with different criteria) and to get the proper collection each time?

like image 833
ventsislaf Avatar asked Nov 28 '12 10:11


1 Answers

Fetch joining and filtering a collection are not things that work together quite well. Here's how you should do it:

    u, p 
    User u 
    u.phonenumbers p
    u.phonenumbers p2
    u.id = :id 
    p2.type = :type

This applies filtering on the second joined (and not hydrated) p2, which results in correct hydration and filtering.

like image 192
Ocramius Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 14:09
