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Doctrine 2: how to clone all values from one object onto another except ID?

In $entity variable, there is an object of same type as $other_address, but with all field values filled in.

I want to set all fields in $other_address object to have exact same values as $entity object.

Is this doable in less then N number of lines, where N is number of fields I need to set?

I tried "clone" keyword, but it didnt work.

Here's the code.

                $other_address = $em->getRepository('PennyHomeBundle:Address')           ->findBy(array('user' => $this->get('security.context')->getToken()->getUser()->getId(), 'type' => $check_type));                 $other_address = $other_address[0];                   //I want to set all values in this object to have values from another object of same type                 $other_address->setName($entity->getName());                 $other_address->setAddress1($entity->getAddress1());                 $other_address->setAddress2($entity->getAddress2());                 $other_address->setSuburbTown($entity->getSuburbTown());                 $other_address->setCityState($entity->getCityState());                 $other_address->setPostZipCode($entity->getPostZipCode());                 $other_address->setPhone($entity->getPhone());                 $other_address->setType($check_type); 
like image 748
Tool Avatar asked Sep 23 '11 19:09


1 Answers

I'm not sure why cloning won't work.

This seems to work for me, at least in a basic test case:

$A = $em->find('Some\Entity',1);  $B = clone $A; $B->setId(null); 

If you've got relationships to worry about, you might want to safely implement __clone so it does what you want it to do with related entities.

like image 94
timdev Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 23:11
