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Docker Swarm deploy - wait for service/container to be present

I have a working swarm setup and rolling-updates deployment. As i have to execute some tasks after deployment (like database migrations) i added a "manager" service to the stack. this service is limited to the node-manager - so i always have a way to find it.

To get the current containerID i use this command:
export MANAGER_ID=$(docker --tls ps --filter label=com.docker.swarm.service.name=projectname-php-manager -q)

This works ... but not during deploy.

The stack deploy exits to soon (befor the container is up) or even befor the manager container gets updated. I also added a sleep 10 befor geting the containerID but the results vary.

Is there a way to wait or to know when a specific service is deployed?

The full deploy looks like this (done in a gitlab-ci job - but this is not the root of the problem):

    DOCKER_HOST: "tcp://swarm-manager.hostname.tld:2376"
    DOCKER_CERT_PATH: "/home/gitlab-runner/docker/swarm-manager.hostname.tld"
    - docker --tls stack deploy -c docker-compose.prod.yml project-name --with-registry-auth --prune
    - sleep 10
    - export MANAGER_ID=$(docker --tls ps --filter label=com.docker.swarm.service.name=project-name_php-manager -q)
    - docker --tls exec -t $MANAGER_ID bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate --no-interaction --allow-no-migration
  stage: deploy
    name: staging
    url: http://projectname.com
  only: [tags]
  cache: ~
    - build:app
    - deploy

Part from docker-compose.prod.yml:

    image: dockerhub.mydomain.tld/namespace/projectname/php:${VERSION_TAG}
        DATABASE_URL: "mysql://projectname:${MYSQL_PROD_PASSWORD}@mysql:3306/projectname?charset=utf8mb4&serverVersion=5.7"
        APP_ENV: prod
        REDIS_HOST: redis
      - default
        constraints: [node.role == manager]
      replicas: 1
        condition: on-failure
like image 248
Rufinus Avatar asked Nov 07 '17 15:11


People also ask

Is docker swarm discontinued?

Important note: At the time of this writing, Docker Swarm is not dead. It is included in the Docker Community edition and Docker has not announced plans to deprecate it.

How do I start docker service in Swarm?

First, create overlay network on a manager node using the docker network create command with the --driver overlay flag. After you create an overlay network in swarm mode, all manager nodes have access to the network. The swarm extends my-network to each node running the service.

Is docker swarm being deprecated?

Docker Swarm is not being deprecated, and is still a viable method for Docker multi-host orchestration, but Docker Swarm Mode (which uses the Swarmkit libraries under the hood) is the recommended way to begin a new Docker project where orchestration over multiple hosts is required.

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Replicated and global servicesFor a replicated service, you specify the number of identical tasks you want to run. For example, you decide to deploy an HTTP service with three replicas, each serving the same content. A global service is a service that runs one task on every node.

1 Answers

Docker stack deploy creates tasks which try to get the system to the state you desire. Sometimes tasks succeed, sometimes they fail and the orchestrator will generate new tasks until the system matches the state described in your yml files.

The bad news: docker stack deploy does not support blocking until the state you desire is reached.

Here some how to get the info you want using the docker cli and basic bash tools (which you can surely implement in a similar way in any other language)

In bash you could do docker service ls --format '{{.ID}} {{.Name}}' | grep ${serviceName} to get the ServiceId of your service (its the first of the two words returned)

according to the docs docker service ps does:

List the tasks of one or more services

Also it adds some information about the task 'current state' which is the information you care about.

Then you use docker service ps ${ServiceId} --format '{{.CurrentState}} {{.Image}}' | grep Running.*${newImageName}

If this command returns something there is a container running with your new image. Hurray :)

I hope this introduces you to all the tools you need. Docker service ps is also helpfull for finding out why a task failed.

FYI: The possible values of task state according to the Swarm task states documentation are:

NEW The task was initialized.

PENDING Resources for the task were allocated.

ASSIGNED Docker assigned the task to nodes.

ACCEPTED The task was accepted by a worker node. If a worker node rejects the task, the state changes to REJECTED.

PREPARING Docker is preparing the task.

STARTING Docker is starting the task.

RUNNING The task is executing.

COMPLETE The task exited without an error code.

FAILED The task exited with an error code.

SHUTDOWN Docker requested the task to shut down.

REJECTED The worker node rejected the task.

ORPHANED The node was down for too long.

like image 168
herm Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 14:09
