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Docker: Springboot container can not connect to PostgreSql Container Connection error

I am building my first Springboot 2.0 application. I am trying to put my Springboot application into one docker container and my PostgresDB into another container.

My Dockerfile

    FROM frolvlad/alpine-oraclejdk8:slim
    VOLUME /tmp
    ADD springboot-api-demo-0.1*.jar app.jar
    RUN sh -c 'touch /app.jar'
    EXPOSE 9443
    ENTRYPOINT [ "sh", "-c", "java $JAVA_OPTS -Djava.security.egd=file:/dev/urandom -jar /app.jar" ]

My docker-compose.yml file

version: "2.1"

    image: "fw/springboot-api-demo"
    mem_limit: 1024m
      - "8080:8080"
      - AWS_REGION=local
      - ENVIRONMENT=local
      - AUTH_ENABLED=false
    container_name: pgdb
    image: postgres:9.6-alpine
    - 'POSTGRES_USER=postgres'
    - 'POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres'
    - "54321:5432"

I am using Springboot JPA Data 2.0 with below config data in my application.properties

spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://localhost:54321/java_learning

I can test that Both of the Images are up. Also from docker log and docker events, I see that postgres Container is running fine, even I can access it and also created a DB too. But springboot container started but i died because it could not connect to postgress and throwing error below.

Unable to obtain connection from database: The connection attempt failed

Note that my host machine already has Postgres on port 5432 thats why I did a port mapping ofr 54321:5432 on my postgres container. Here is Proof :) -

➜  springboot-api-demo git:(master) ✗ lsof -i:54321              
COMMAND     PID             USER   FD   TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF NODE NAME
com.docke 44345 shailendra.singh   18u  IPv4 0xf62897fbdd69e31d      0t0  TCP *:54321 (LISTEN)
com.docke 44345 shailendra.singh   21u  IPv6 0xf62897fbdd119975      0t0  TCP localhost:54321 (LISTEN)

➜  springboot-api-demo git:(master) ✗ lsof -i:5432 
postgres 715 shailendra.singh    5u  IPv6 0xf62897fbb43e03b5      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)
postgres 715 shailendra.singh    6u  IPv4 0xf62897fbbaeea9bd      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresql (LISTEN)

I am not sure what is the problem. But my Springboot application is not able to connect my postgres container which is running fine with proper creadentials.

like image 868
Shailendra2014 Avatar asked Nov 22 '18 10:11


People also ask

How do I connect Postgres to spring boot?

Using PostgreSQL in Spring Boot Also, we can use JPA of spring data to connect the database of PostgreSQL. Also, we need to add the JDBC driver dependency of the PostgreSQL database to allow the spring boot application to connect or talk with the PostgreSQL database server.

What port does Postgres docker use?

Docker automatically maps the default PostgreSQL server port 5432 in the container to a host port within the ephemeral port range (typically from 32768 to 61000).

1 Answers

Try with :

spring.datasource.url= jdbc:postgresql://pgdb:5432/java_learning

The postgres database is not running on localhost, it's running in the other container which has an other IP (yet unknown).

Thanksfully, docker-compose automatically create a network shared among all the containers in the docker-compose.yml (unless explicitly said to do not), as a result you can magically use the service name as an hostname.

Also, you have a typo in the port, Postgres use 5432 by default, not 54321

like image 115
Anthony Raymond Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 20:10

Anthony Raymond